chapter 10

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Brittany, I and Jenny went to put our things away in the pool locker room to we can get ready to go swim.

After using the bathroom we were dressed to go swim, Brittany wore a one piece swimming suit except Jenny and I which is fine.

We all had goggles to see underwater and she had a nose plug for swimming, as the class went on I watch my idol do a handstand underwater it was awesome to watch her swim around.

Afterwards class was over so we all went to get dressed for our health class, our dummies were set on our desks to practice on.

We learned the himelick last time, now we are learning CPR in case someone drowns.

But then again I was day dreaming in class, this was the second teacher to get mad at me and oh my I had forgotten to talk to Brittany.

I get so flustered when she is so close by to me that I freeze up, so Brittany will tutor me for health class.

History is our last class, Brittany is listening to our teacher and as class continued our teacher had said something but I didn't hear what she said.

So Jenny came to me saying summer vacation is in two days, which got me excited and nervous at the same time.

Jenny POV

Throughout every class we had I notice a girl starring at Brittany, but she is failing two classes.

So when our last came I went to her desk to tell her that summer vacation is in two days, she gotten excited and nervous at the same time.

After school Jenny walked home with us, mom we brought over a friend from school.

Evie POV

Oh how lovely, is Brittany helping her with work?

Jenny POV

Yeah she is only because jenny won't pay attention in class, she is failing two classes which is cooking and health class.

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and please comment and vote if you enjoyed the story

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