chapter 28

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Sonya POV

Soon after we had caught up our lives I told Brittany that their is another person living here and that is Kate.

Brittany nods her head, I told Brittany if Kate sees her she Will treat her like a baby which did make me giggle a little Even though she is a grownup.

Brittany POV

I soon giggle and smile at Sonya again, you just want to see me in a diaper and baby clothes like the good old days.

Then I was soon put in her shirt pocket as someone came into her room saying babe dinner is ready, which to be honest I was hungry after swimming so I had stayed to eat.

Kate POV

Hey babe why do you smell like a little bit of chlorine?

Sonya POV

Oh um I don't know Kate

Jayla POV

Mommy where is the human lady, I want to play with her.

Kate POV

Sonya what human are you hiding from me, do I have to do a body check on you?

Sonya POV

....uh I am not hiding anyone sweety, oh man I am in trouble now if she finds Brittany.

Kate POV

OK babe stand up now and go against the wall, I had searched her whole body and soon turned back to my happy side.

How dare you hide a human Sonya, your punishment will be 20 spankings and dressed up like a baby toddler.

And as for the human girl in my hand will be treated like a baby girl, I soon saw a faint dark blush on her face but for now let's eat before the food gets cold.

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and please comment and vote if you enjoyed the story

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