chapter 3

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??? POV

The hospital wasn't a far walk from my orphanage building so after I had picked up Brittany it was time to go home, I had called Evie saying we have a new child joining us today after what happened to her parents.

Evie POV

Afterwards I had gotten a nursery room cleaned up for the child to sleep in, Jenny was taking her nap until Mrs Tina comes home with the new arrival of another girl.

So when the door opened jenny woke up, when I picked her up we went to see who the child was and it was a new born baby girl!

Jenny POV

Mommy why is she still asleep?

Evie POV

Well because she is a infant, and they need their sleep to grow sweety.

Jenny POV

Oh OK, but I want to play with her.

Tina POV

Jenny Brittany is not a doll for you to play with OK, you could hurt her do you want to do that?

Jenny POV

No ma'am I don't want to hurt Brittany, but when she wakes up may I sit by her?

Tina POV

Yes you may do that just be careful Jenny, I soon put Brittany in the baby swing and turn TV on for Jenny to watch.

Brittany POV

*I soon opened my eyes to see that I am home but something is missing, where is mommy and daddy at?*

*who are these people then I had soon cried before being picked up to be changed then fed a bottle of milk.*

Tina POV

When I heard Brittany woke up she needed a diaper change and then after I gave her a bottle of milk to drink, as the days go by she had started to grow up.

She was getting close to the age of sitting up on her own, crawling no not yet so I decided to have Jenny teach Brittany how to do that but then later that night I took her in for her hip surgery because Brittany was having a problem with her legs.

Kayla POV

Mrs Tina gave me Brittany so we could get her operation started, and afterwards she was taken to a child room full of different colors.

The next day Brittany had her diaper change and was dressed in a new onesie, Brittany soon woke up so then I had ask her to put Brittany in a baby walker so her legs can be stimulated.

She then started to slowly move her legs but then stopped, so I gently picked her up to massage her legs as the muscles are growing.

Over the next few months we had put Brittany in more physical exercises until she could crawl and walk, to be honest she can understand us of what we want her to do she is just not talking yet like a normal baby would.

Layla POV

Its OK Kayla, she will talk later as she grows up.

We gave Brittany back to Mrs Tina to go home, then we had relaxed.

Tina POV

Brittany was a toddler by the time I picked her up from the hospital, so after taking her home Jenny woke up and wanted to play.

Jenny POV

Mommy they are home, I was excited to play with Brittany now that she is a toddler like me!

She was silent while we had played so I wanted to teach her and soon enough she had talked, Brittany was also shy too.

Which is adorable, her blue eyes are pretty to look at later Mrs Tina was teaching us how to write and learn more things in life.

Like ABC, our names, colors, math and so on.

For a little kid Brittany was tall for her age, I watched what she was doing.

Brittany was holding on to her white polo T-shirt like a normal child would do, as we got older we both had finished homeschooling so it was time to go to highschool.

Brittany POV

I was still being shy when we went to highschool with Jenny, we had the same classes so we stayed together in school.

Our first class was cooking, teach wanted us to get used to our pots and other cooking things so that is what we did.

Teach taught us how to cook a treat called peppermint paddies, so afterwards I had finished making mine and helped Jenny with hers.

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and please comment and vote if you enjoyed the story

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