chapter 8

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Charles POV

I had soon came home as it was night time, while they were both sleeping I brought them both to a machine that I found.

The year I put in for them was 1980s so when they wake up, they will be gone.

Daffodil POV


Wakes up later hearing my mom is calling me from the pig pen, my daughter is next to me with mud on her outfit.

??? POV

Daffodil why are you sleeping in the mud, you are not a child anymore.

Sarah POV

Yawns waking up, mommy why are we dirty?

??? POV

*sigh* I guess daffodil needs to be cleaned off, I am going to get the hose and dry clothes for them to wear.

Daffodil POV

Sorry mom and dad, the mud is just really relaxing to lay in for a nice hot day.

Sarah this is your grandmother and grandfather, they died before you were even born so this is your first time seeing them.

We both got the mud hosed off of us and then we both got dressed in our clean clothes they gave us, later we had gotten all the chores done because Sarah wants to play.

Sarah POV

I had worked hard all day, then we had food before it was play time with my pony toys.

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and please comment and vote if you enjoyed the story

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