chapter 27

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Brittany POV

My family was soon in our own house, Tina checks in on us from time to time to see how we are doing.

I decided to go swimming with my parents as it was summer vacation and school won't start until next year or so, we all had fun swimming around.

Swimming when it was a thunderstorm was fun because I had saw the thunderstorm in the far distance it was a very relaxing day, so afterwards I got out of the water to go get dried off and change to leave the pool.

When I saw a portal open up which made me giggle, awe did you miss me Sonya I said but their was no response from the other side and then a hand came out taking me inside the portal.

??? POV

I was bored and wanted something or someone to play with so I had opened a portal to the human world and then my hand had caught someone, so afterwards I had pulled my hand back after hearing a girl saying my mommy name.

Which made me very curious why would a human know her name, the portal soon started to close as my catch was in front of me.

She didn't look scared or nervous to see a giant baby girl so I had asked her how you know my Mommy name, she told me that when she was a teen she met my mommy when she was a toddler.

So then I went to my mommy room and knocked on the door, Mommy can you open the door please I have a surprise for you!

Sonya POV

After hearing my baby say she has a surprise for me, I had opened my door to see a human in her hands so she then gave me the human and went back to her nursery room.

I then sat down and started to cry because the human was Brittany, I had finally got to see her again and she gently hug my thumb.

Brittany was crying tears of joy too, she told me that she finished school and wanted to get a job but couldn't find one in her time.

She asked me about my parents and sister which is a sore subject as I started to cry because they died by my lovers hands, then he got killed by the cops so I live by myself and Jayla.

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and please comment and vote if you enjoyed the story

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