chapter 41

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Sonya POV

After eating dinner Kate took me to get my spankings done while Jayla and Brittany were waiting for us to come back, but when my spankings were over I was in my crib for time out.

I was wearing a toddler outfit and a diaper in my size, my binky was in my mouth and I had mitts on my hands and booties on my feet.

I was wearing a toddler outfit and a diaper in my size, my binky was in my mouth and I had mitts on my hands and booties on my feet

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*Sonya things*

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*Sonya things*

Soon I was asleep in my crib, Kate went to get Brittany and Jayla to give them a bath then get them cleaned up.

Kate POV

I had just finished giving Sonya her punishment but for our little friend I'm just going to have fun embarrassing her and treat her like a baby.

So after I had gotten Jayla cleaned up it was Brittany turn, then later I had saw that she had a nice bubble bath with Jayla it was time to dry them off.

Jayla and Brittany was both dried off diapered and dressed for bed, the next day I gave Sonya her bath.

Jayla and Brittany was both dried off diapered and dressed for bed, the next day I gave Sonya her bath

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*Brittany things*

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*Brittany things*

Jayla POV

Brittany and Mommy look so cute in their new outfits, I Kate Mama because she acts like it so later Mama took us out to eat breakfast.

I gently held Brittany in my arms while mama get us into our stroller, it was a three seated stroller but I wanted to keep her by me.

Mama had order our breakfast and fed us our foods, later Brittany and I were fed breast milk and she was blushing.

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and please comment and vote if you enjoyed the story

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