chapter 31

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As the days went by I went to leave his home until he had stopped me, so I told him that I was going to my time machine.

But he gave me a sad look like he won't see me ever again and asked me to stay to be his girlfriend, I wanted to be a good girl and told him no gently as possible but as I look into his eyes I had given up and decided to stay with him.

Alex POV

When I went to get Amy for breakfast she was by the front door until I had stopped her and she told me that she was going to her time machine to go back to her time period, so I had asked Amy to stay and be my girlfriend.

I had used my puppy dog eyes on her and then she let her guard down to stay and be my girlfriend, so since she is my girlfriend now I was to takes care of her with my love and care.

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and please comment and vote if you enjoyed the story

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