chapter 13

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Brittany POV

When I had stopped to see the dinosaurs, I could see all the baby Dino's walking around or being hatched from their eggs as their mother's watched them protected as for their father's are walking around.

And as the time pasted I had went back to my time machine to go back to my time, but then I was being taken to a different time period which I didn't mind.

I kinda forgot that I was looking for my parents, so afterwards my time machine broke down near a palace.

My heart told me that my parents are here inside the palace but it would feel weird if I wasn't invited to go into the building so when I started to walk away my movement was stopped by a guard, he had interrogated me about my strange machine before looking at a paper on the wall and before looking back to where I was.

I had gave him the slip by getting out of my shirt and going to hide myself, *oh that is real mature I heard him say as I his somewhere*

Soon he left but then I was shirtless, I wasn't worried that much because my chest is flat on display as I was in the alleys walking around with no shirt on.

*Then I soon heard a sound saying the human went this way and let's get her to safety, so  I had ran where they couldn't find me but I had hit a dead end and I didn't know how to climb up the wall.

I was soon picked up and taken inside the palace then i was held in front of the Empress and Emperor.

They both started to talk to me one at a time but told the guards to go back to work, so I was placed on a pillow as they look at me.

??? POV

We watched our guards bring in a run away half naked human teen in our palace, she will be cleaned later but for now we were talking to her.

Then we sent in her parents and they soon ran to their daughter hugging her in their arms, we had a servant take them to get cleaned and changed.

??? Pov

Katy let's order the guards to destroy the time machine, we can't have them leaving us and my wife agreed with me.

Kammie POV

Jake and I were nervous and happy to see our daughter, one of the servant took us to get a bath to be cleaned.

So while Brittany was looking around our new home, we asked her how her life was without us in it.

But she was silent saying her words carefully, she told us it was OK.

Jake POV

While we were being cleaned by the servants, our daughter was silent again taking in everything she sees here.

Later we were taken to be dried off and dressed, it was close to dinner and then bed time.

Brittany had kindly thank the Emperor and Empress for the night, but she wanted to go home with us as a family.

So we had started to convinced our daughter that we will be a happy family here, soon Brittany was picked up by the Empress as we were taken to our nursery room.

Brittany was put into a sealed room until her spirit was broken, we had been put in their when we wanted to leave the second time.

Author note: thank you for reading the story, and please comment and vote if you enjoyed the story

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