Heya-- *Chapter 12*

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I walked down the stairs as silent as I could without trying to make a noise. I could sense another presence, so my only guess was that it was Milluki. As I finally got down the stairs, I started going through the dimly lit hall, trying to find the room Killua was in. After I walked around for what felt like an hour, I was met with a slightly opened door on my left. I then peeked into the room and saw Milluki with a whip in his hand and Killua hanging up by chains. I glared at Milluki, making him visibly shiver, causing him to turn around almost instantly. "WHO ARE YOU?-" He yelled, causing Killua to look up, seeing me peeking from behind the door, glaring at Milluki.

"..Sakura..?" Killua asked, in disbelief. He asked himself how I managed to enter the mansion without dying or getting injured. I glanced at Killua, then Milluki who kept his grip on the whip. "ANSWER ME" Milluki yelled at me, charging at me. Then I heard the sound of chains breaking, making me look at Killua, along with Milluki who whipped his head around. '..Don't touch her Milluki... Or I'll kill you." Killua said, venom tracing every word he stated. His bloodlust oozed out as I entered the room fully. "Your house is a maze, you know that, Killua?" I stated, groaning in frustration. "..How'd you get in Sakura..?" Killua asked, confused. I then placed a finger over my lips, indicating that it'd be a secret for now. I then glanced over to Milluki who looked at me up and down, causing an irk mark visible on my forehead. 

"Anyways..~" I stated, looking make to Killua, making contact with his blue orbs. "What do we do now?" I asked. 'I came here way too early. Maybe I should've come a bit later so I could've kept the timeline the same... God why am I so dumb?! I've already changed the timeline with my damn existence and I never thought about it once that this could affect the future... If I affect the timeline too much I might not know the outcome of my changes and I could get more killed than needed...' I thought to myself. I then snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Killua's voice. "Sakura, BAKA! Are you listening to me? Baka!" He yelled, making me turn to him and sweatdrop. "Oh! Sorry Killua, I wasn't listening.. Heh." I said, scratching my nape. "..Baka. As I was saying, you can stay in my room for now... Not that I care or anything, it's just that you might be here a while..." He stated, turning his face away from me. I then froze. 'Fuck.. The timeline has changed again! God why am I so dumb...' I thought to myself, mentally sighing. "..Where is your room..?" I asked. I then realised that Milluki had left the room while I was chatting with Killua... I swear if he went to go get his mother I'm dead-.. "Upstairs to your right at the end of the hall..." Killua stated. I gave a slight smile and nodded, vanishing from his sight in an instant. I did NOT want to deal with his mother right now. 

And that's how I ended up here, in Killua's room, thinking about my life choices and how I ended up here. That's when I got the fabulous idea on taking my phone out and decided to chat with Hisoka and see if he's free. He's either at Heavens Arena or the Troupe's base. Now, if you're wondering, I actually do hate the Phantom Troupe right now, but I knew this was going to happen. Now, I both hate and like them. Anyways I grabbed my phone out of my bag and searched for Hisoka's contact. Upon reaching his contact, I opened it up to text with him.

#1 Magician

"Hey Hisokaa! Hope I ain't bothering you or anything. Just decided to chat with you cause' I'm bored right now and I ain't wanna see Illumi anymore right now. I gave that fucker a slap on the head. ^_^"
(Read 10:34AM)

"Are you that busy that you'll leave me on read?- :("
(Read 10:35AM)

"Damn, okay text me when you're free I guess. Sorry. See you at Heavens Arena in a month I guess?- ;_;"
(Read 10:35AM)

You have gone offline!

I sighed at the screen. That damn magician leaving me on read is a petty ass move without at least letting me know he's busy. I'll show him when I see him at Heavens Arena. There I lay, bored out of my mind, waiting for the others to show up. I didn't bother leaving Killua's room cause' I don't wanna bump into anybody while I'm here. Especially Illumi... I don't wanna bump into him cause' I don't want any needles in my damn forehead now. I lay on the bed, scrolling through my phone while it's on silent when I get a text from Kurapika.

Kurapika <3

Kurapika <3

"Hey Sakura. Just checking up on you. Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine! I'm in Killua's room right now waiting until I get to see him again. I'm bored. >:P"

Kurapika <3
"I'm glad you're doing fine. Gon, Leorio and I are currently training to open the front gates. How did you end up opening 5 of the gates I'll never know. Just promise us you'll be safe there."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry about me Pika. I'll be fine. I haven't gotten a scratch since I entered the mansion! I just got lost a few times that's all. :l"

I sighed and turned off my phone with a small smile on my face. Then, I heard movement near the door, resulting in me turning my head around to see what or who was there. To my luck, there stood Illumi with his black emotionless orbs staring at me, who had now sat on the ground. "Uh... Hi?" I stared back at Illumi with confusion written all over my face. "I thought you went to go find Kil?" He asked. "Well I found him but he told me to wait in his room." I stated with boredom clearly written on my face. "Well then, I can't have you interfere with my plans on keeping Kil at home now, can I?" He asked, inching closer to me. "He gonna leave this house whether you like it or not Pin-Needle Bitch." I stated, glaring at him. He just sighed before directly releasing his bloodlust to me. I flinched and activated my Ten. "What the fuck man, lemme chill." I stated, pouting. He stopped directing his bloodlust to me and looked at me, his eyes slightly widening. I tilted my head confused to why he was confused. "Hm, why didn't it work?" He mumbled.

Then it hit me. I remember waking up with a headache in my forehead and now he's asking why something didn't work. He used one of his needles on me... Didn't he? "You used your needle on me, didn't you?" I asked. Now it made sense. He wanted me to go with him so he could put that needle in my forehead. But why didn't Hisoka help in any way? God dammit. "Yes, I had used one of my needles to place in your forehead, but it didn't work for some reason." He stated. Within' the blink of an eye, there he stood, towering over me, staring right back into my green eyes. He lifted his hand to my forehead and pulled his arm back, making me flinch in pain as I grabbed my forehead. "Ow, what the fuck." I mumbled.

That was when I realised that he had taken the needle out of my forehead... Damn, this needle head gotta stop obsessing over needles. "Well, since that didn't work I'll have to find something else that'll be sure to work." I then froze before yelling back at him. "OH NO YOU DON'T! YOU AIN'T GONNA DO ANYTHING." I yelled. He stared, amused at how I yelled at him before shrugging and turning to leave through the door. However, he stopped at the door.

"Maybe I'll ask Hisoka if he could do anything about it." He stated before leaving completely whilst also shutting the door behind him. I just sighed and fell back onto the floor. "..Welp I'm fucked..." I stated, sighing. "Oh~ Are you now..?~" Asked a familiar voice. I got up from the floor and looked around the room to be met with a pair of familiar golden eyes, staring at me with his known smirk, making me shiver at to what might come for me next.

~Word count: 1417~

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