To be flatter than a pancake* Chapter 31 *

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I woke up yelling out, then inhaling and exhaling sharply. "Sakura, you're awake!" Exclaimed Tanjiro. I then turned to face him, who was infront of Nezuko, whom was now out of her box. "This was probably Blood Demon art. We have to find that damn demon." I stated as he nodded. "Nezuko, burn everyone's rope off." Stated Tanjiro. I then faced my wrist, which had no rope tied around it. "I don't have any rope." I stated, raising a brow. I then faced Tanjiro who was now apologising to his sister. I then turned to Rengoku, but saw a girl instead, about to stab Tanjiro. "Hey!" I exclaimed as Tanjiro jumped back and I stood infront of Tanjiro in a protective manner. "Get out of our ways! Thanks to you guys, we won't be able to have dreams!" She exclaimed. The others then got up. "We're sorry." I stated as I knocked them all out in a second. "You all want to have a happy dream... I wanted to stay in my dream, too." Said Tanjiro. I nodded sadly. 'Pairo... I'm sorry... Mother... Father...' I thought. Nezuko then rushed up to Tanjiro and hugged him.

"Come on, Nezuko, Sakura." Tanjiro said as we ran.

We were now near the middle of the train as we climbed onto the top. "Wake everyone up Nezuko! Don't follow us!" Yelled out Tanjiro. We got up and started running towards the front of the train. We paused when we saw Enmu who had then turned out. "Hm? You're both awake now? Good morning!~ You could've stayed asleep though." He stated. "Why'd you wake up? Didn't I show you a nice dream? I could've shown a dream where both your families were being slaughtered. Would you have both liked that one better? Maybe that's too distressing though, right?~" Stated Enmu. "All right, next... Why don't I show you a dream where your brother betrays you and joins The Phantom Troupe?~" Enmu asked as my eyes grew red with rage.  "Or you boy, your father alive?" He asked. I then activated One For All and took out my sword. "Don't you dare intrude our souls!" Yelled Tanjiro. "We won't let you... GET AWAY WITH THIS!" I yelled. Within' a blink of an eye, I slashed his head off without a breathing technique.  I then turned around and faced him.

"This isn't your body. Is it?" I asked in disgust and rage. Tanjiro raised a brow of confusion. Enmu then laughed. "Smart, smart girl~ And the boy with earrings too~ He came right to me! If I bring him to Master Muzan, I'll get so much blood in return~" Enmu cooed with delight. I scrunched my face in disgust. Then, he started merging with the train. "He's merged with the train... THE TRAIN WITH 200 PASSENGERS ON IT!" I yelled out as Tanjiro's eyes grew wide. 'Damnit... This is what I forgot... Wasn't it?! DAMNIT!' I thought to myself. "While you were sleeping, I fused with the train! Ever inch of the train is my body! 200 passengers... Also known as my hostages!" Exclaimed Enmu.

He then had seemed to dissolved with the train. "Tanjiro! The head of him is at the front of the train! I can sense it!" I yelled. "Protect those in the train, I'll get to the head!" I exclaimed, running to the front of the train in a flash. Then, Inosuke was heard from a few carts down. "Hell, why is everything happening so fast yet so slow at the same time! DAMNIT!" I yelled. As I got to the front of the train, it started to shake as a disgusting pink like substance grew from the train. "Ew, that's disgusting." I stated, scrunching my face in disgust. Then, the pink substance grabbed onto my limbs, stopping my actions. "Hell, thats a strong grip! FUCK OFF DEMON!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, activating my Kagune and cutting the substance off of me. I then heard thunder, indicating that Zenitsu was awake. Even more and more pink like tentacles grew from the train, grabbing ahold of me tight. It then also grabbed onto my Kagune. Then...

RIP. It ribbed my goddamn arms off. "ACK!" I exclaimed. Then, the train bounced, making me assume Rengoku was awake now. I then cut off the remaining tentacles as it took longer for it to now regenerate. Then, Rengoku popped out of no where and saw me without arms. "Sakura! Find the head. Careful with your injuries! I got the 5 carts in the rear." He exclaimed as I nodded. He then disappeared from sight. I saw Tanjiro and Inosuke approaching. I then turned to the front of the train and cut its 'roof' off. (Where the coal was located)

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