Arrival to the Headquarters *Chapter 27*

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We were at Wing's estate as he was currently explaining the different types of Nen categories. "There are six categories. Enhancers are able to strengthen objects. Emitters can propel their aura. Transmuters can alter their aura's qualities. Conjurers are able to manifest their aura. Manipulators can use their aura to control objects and creatures. Specialists are those with special aura that doesn't fall into any of the other 5 classes. The key is to find the power that suits you." Stated Wing. "Power that suits you?" Questioned Gon. "Nen is linked to individual ability, with two areas of particular prominence. The first would be your natural potential. The second would be potential found later in life. Gon-kun, for example, was born with a flexible, springy body. His acute senses senses were the product of his childhood spent in nature. From the moment of your birth, your Nen aura falls within' one of these categories. While rare, it's possible for your Nen aura to later change types. If you attempt to learn an ability that does not fit your inclination, you will find it very difficult." Wing stated, as he turned to the whiteboard and started to draw a hexagon.

"This hexagon depicts the relationship among the six categories. The closer a class is to your own, the higher your compatibility to learn it. If you are born with an aura of the Enhancer category, you will find Enhancer abilities easiest to learn and master. And the adjacent Transmuter and Emitter classes will also be easier to learn. However, on the other hand with the specialist class, it would be the hardest to learn since it is the furthest away. To illustrate, I'll use skills that you've seen yourselves. Seeing Hisoka's stretchy, rubber like aura would fall under the Transmuter category. Gido's spinning tops, falls under the Enhancer category. However using them as weapons fell under the Manipulator category, which wasn't very successful. As for Kastro, I believe he fell under the Enhancer category. However, since he created a double, it was a Conjurer skill. He also required a Manipulator ability to control the double." Wing stated, adjusting his glasses slightly.

"What about Sakura?" Asked Killua, pointing to me. "Ah, I'm not entirely sure, however I do believe she was an Enhancer, however she used a Conjurer ability to help create that scythe I believe." Stated Wing as he faced me, awaiting my answer. "You're correct about me having Enhancer and Conjurer abilities, but I don't fall into those categories." I stated, shrugging as everybody stared at me. "What category do you fall in then, Sakura?" Asked Gon. I smiled and faced him. "I fall under the Specialist category." I stated. "Eh?" Questioned Gon and Killua. Wing raised his eyebrow. "Wait, do you have another ability, Sakura?" Asked Killua. I nodded in response. "Another ability?" Questioned Wing. "Yeah, I made the ability while at Heaven's Arena." I stated as I internally sweatdrop. 'Ain't really my actual Nen ability though. Got it off Kurapika... Only to help though! God knows what Kurapika would do if I told him I had a judgement chain wrapped around my heart! HAH!' I thought to myself. 'Lmao. I didn't mention that in another chapters though!- Oh shoot-'

"Anyways, is there any way to learn which category we fall into?" Asked Killua. "There is." Wing stated.

"Water Divination, a Shingen-ryu technique for classifying your aura. It's also used in Hatsu training. You place your hands beside the cup, and use Ren. The result will reveal your category." Wing stated. Then, he signaled for me to try it. I sighed and complied, placing my hands beside the cup and used Ren. Then, the water turned a scarlet red, the leaf split in two and an image of chains formed in the middle of the leaf. I sat there, proud with what I had created, that was, until the water started floating out of the class, including the chains, as the water formed into a heart, with a judgement chain wrapped around it. "That's enough, Sakura." Wing stated, as I stopped using Ren and just sat there. "Welp, that changed the last time I did it..." I stated with a sigh. "Uwah! That was so cool!" Exclaimed Gon. "W-wow..." Muttered Zushi. Killua stood their, mouth agape. "ShOoT.." I muttered. "Eh, is something wrong Sakura?" Asked Gon. "That basically just gave away my new ability!" I exclaimed, pouting. Wing stared at me.

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