Upcoming Mugen Train mission? * Chapter 20 *

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I exhaled as I got up from the couch, walking to the door, tired out of my mind. 'Maaann~ How long have I been out for..?~ Hmm...' I though to myself before twisting the handle of my door open to be greeted by a tall male figure who stared down at me with a bead of sweat that starting to form on his forehead. I studied the man before decided to slam my door shut as I heard whining from the other side of it. "Sakura~~ I'm sorry. Please do forgive me!~ I had no idea she'd want to come and speak with you!~~" Said the male as he started pounding on the door. I sweat dropped at his actions. "Please don't be mad at me~ I'm sorry Flower~" He whined. "I'm not mad. I'm disappointed. You broke our promise." I stated, huffing as I opened the door again. "I'm sorryyy~" Stated, loosing his posturing and bending his back down as I studied him. "If she told the rest of the troupe about me, you're going to help fix this. You started this problem by telling people." I stated, glaring at him. "Hai, hai Sakura...." He mumbled, letting himself in. 

"Who said you could come in?" I asked, tilting my head in annoyance. "I did~" He cooed as he plopped himself on my couch. "You're literally my next-door neighbor. Plop yourself on your own couch." I said harshly, closing the door and stomping my way over to him. "What if Gon or Killua saw you here. I'd probably get scolded by because of your sorry-ass." I sighed. "I'll just hide myself in your closet then~" He stated with a childish smile. "Absolutely fuckin' not." I stated. "But-" As Hisoka was about to continue, my phone started ringing. I froze in shock as my ringtone starting playing...

"I'm getting a call. Hold on..." I mumbled as Hisoka placed a hand over his mouth, trying to conceal his laughter and utter shock. 'I should probably change my ringtone to something else... I'd probably get asked a bunch of things if the others heard my ringtone...' I thought to myself as I answered the call and placed it on my ear. "Moshi, moshi?~" I stated in a singing tone as I answered the call, unaware of who was calling me. "Ah, child, hello there." Stated an old voice to which I instantly recognize. "Chairman Netero...? What're you calling me for may I ask?" I asked, raising an eyebrow as Hisoka perked up to the name I mentioned. "Aha, no need to fear child. I just have an upcoming mission for you a month before the large auction is being held! I need you to check something out." He stated. "Hm? What type of mission and where is it? What's going on?" I asked, confused and interested. "Aha, one question at a time. Anyways, I need you to meet up with somebody called Kyojuro Rengoku on a mission. I need you to help find out the disappearance of Hunter's who entered the Mugen Train." He stated as my eyes widen. 'Wait, Rengoku? Mugen Train? That sound familiar.' I thought to myself. 

"Why are Hunter's disappearing on the train though, Chairman?" I asked. "Aha, I knew you'd ask something like that! They said it had something to do with 'Demons.' Since I trust you are capable to go on this mission, I need you to go with Rengoku on the 1st of August. Before then, I need you to train well for this." He stated.

"Really..? Alright then. Is there anything else?" I asked. 'Wait.. Demon. Rengoku... Mugen Train... DEMON SLAYER?- Holy shit. This sounds like an ultimate Wattpad crossover story...' I thought to myself. "Ah, right. You just reminded me! Haha! A Nirichin Blade will be sent to your Heavens Arena room shortly. I need you to train your sword skills! That's all Sakura! Best of luck." He stated as he ended the call. "What was that about?~" Asked Hisoka as he got up and walked to me. "A mission on the 1st of August." I stated, staring at him. "Sounds boring." Stated Hisoka as he disappeared into thin air. 'What was that about- Oh welp' I thought to myself. "Might aswell train my Nen abilities. 😒" I stated, conjuring my chains back again. 'How I did this so easily I have no idea. At least I didn't have to lick chains... Unlike a certain somebody...' I thought to myself sweat dropping. 

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