Chapter 6 - Alpha Male

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"But he's a terrible a bowler," Sabrina put her palm to her forehead, probably wondering how stupid her brother is.

"I know," I replied, I had just filled her in on the insane events of lunch, she seemed rattled.

"I can't believe he's actually going on the date, with Lydia and Jackson. I would've straight-up said 'no'!"

"I know," I stood against the locker beside hers and cleared my throat before going to ask the question she probably didn't want to answer, "What did Harris say?"

Sabrina groaned as she slammed her locker shut and slumped against it, shaking her head, giving me the response I needed. Whatever it was, it definitely wasn't good. "He's a jerk! You know how we have those parent teacher conference's coming up, he said he has a ton of bad things to say about me. I mean, can you even talk to your students that way. Anyway whatever, I got a D," I felt bad for her, but I couldn't really sympathise because I had no idea what she was going through. I've never had that happen to me and I know that's a blessing but sometimes I wish I could see things from other people's point of view.

"Do you want me to come over again tonight? Help you study?" Sabrina shook her head, she clearly wasn't in the mood, especially after that awful grade Mr. Harris gave her.

"No, I'm probably gonna go see my mom at the hospital. She's had a restless few days and I thought she could do with the company," I smiled at her concern for her mom, I wish my relationship with me mom was that good, full of affection and love. I rarely talked to my mom, especially after my parent's divorce, it was best not to rile her up and since I have absolutely no filter or knowledge of being socially sane, I usually triggered her outbursts. So, I tend to reside in my bedroom, only ever exiting to leave the house or grab dinner.

I reassured her that it was okay and that I'd be there to help her whenever she needed. As I stood there trying to come up with something to do tonight - since I was up to date with all my homework and extra credit - I watched Scott and Stiles bound down the steps and head down the hallway. Scott rushed off but Stiles stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"Wait, Scott, you didn't-am I attractive to gay guys-you didn't answer my question," I approached Stiles and he turned to me, "do you think I'm attractive to gay guys?"

"Probably not," I shook my head at him slowly trying not to laugh, he just stood there looking genuinely upset by this, I couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious about this. "Why? Is this you coming out? or-," I asked sarcastically.

"No," I squinted my eyes at him as he shrugged me off, "I would just like to be seen as attractive to everyone, not just girls,"

"You think girls find you attractive?" I teased as I started to walk away. He caught up to me and walked by my side,

"What? Girls don't find me attractive?"

"How can I be sure? I don't speak for all girls," I reminded him as I turned a corner and he followed swiftly,

"Okay, so do you find me attractive?" I stopped in my tracks and turned to him. Examining his appearance, I couldn't help but blush. It's not that Stiles made me feel uncomfortable, no that was exactly it. It was weird he made me feel things no one else did, and I didn't understand what it meant, it doesn't help that I'm so socially inept that I don't understand what basic human interactions are, so I can't tell whether what I'm feeling is affection as in love or just your basic friendship. It was very confusing.

I admired his enchanting hazel eyes and watched the dark specks dance around, they glimmered in the sun and turned into pools of glorious honey. It was like as soon as you took one look of them, you couldn't stop staring. His skin seemed soft to the touch and his lips were delicate and inviting. He wore flannels like they'd never go out of fashion and he clutched onto his school bag like his life depended on it. Stiles' hair was short, buzzed, but dark and it added to who he was. Sometimes all I could think about was his playful smile, the one that spread across his face and stayed there until his mood took a turn. It was contagious, you couldn't help but smile along with him, and just being there, in the presence of his smile, was enough to make your day.

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