Chapter 49 - You still got us

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After Gerard's little outburst, he slipped back into unconsciousness and laid there in a puddle of his black vomit. My guess was that he was dead, because his heart was literally not beating.

He had told the Kanima to kill us all, but before it got the chance, Allison elbowed it in the face and basically released herself from the slimy creature's grasp before it swung her back and she hit the floor. Scared that the Kanima wasn't gonna go down with a fight, I jumped to my feet and growled.

I still wasn't healed completely, but I was in a perfect fighting condition. I lunged at him and pushed Jackson into the centre of the room, which clearly was a good idea because then out of nowhere pieces of wood from the wall went hurtling around the room.

Standing there in awe, watching a familiar blue Jeep make its way through the space and slamming the Kanima pretty hard, I let out a slight laugh and watched in amusement. Son of a bitch did it again. Stiles to the rescue, as freaking usual. The most unlikely hero.

He sat alongside a wide-eyed Lexie who rested in the passenger seat with her hand clutching the door in support as they jerked back and looked at the damage in surprise. "Did I get him?"

I watched a smile creep onto my brother's face, but it wasn't over just yet. Jackson leapt onto the hood of Stiles' Jeep, which automatically made Lexie slip out and stumble to the ground. I rushed to her aid and pulled her away, listening to Stiles' screams as he looked Jackson directly in the eyes and struggled to get his door open.

Lydia managed to get out and run over to what once was her true love but now was a supernatural reptile.

"Jackson!" she yelled his name and Lexie beside me gasped as Jackson approached her. Standing in front of the creature that mere minutes ago was trying to kill us all, Lydia seemed calm and collected. "Jackson."

"Lydia!" Lexie screeched, but I held her back, because by the look of the Kanima's hesitation, whatever Lydia was doing seemed to be working. I noticed she had a key held in front of her. Must be something sentimental in her and Jackson's relationship.

"Wait." I warned, holding her back as she tried to lunge forward and get her sister to some kind of safety. But as Lydia held up the key, Jackson stopped and glanced at the key before looking across at Lydia.

And what happened next was incredible.

It's like all the memories he ever had of being with Lydia had come back to him, and the more and more he remembered how amazing it was, the more and more he was becoming human again.

When he took the key from her hand, he had gotten to a half and half and his once reptilian eyes returned to normal, full of concern and happiness as he gazed over Lydia. She was smiling slightly and I could tell she was tearing up.

The four of us watched from the sidelines as Jackson stepped away from Lydia and backed up, glancing down at Derek who was still clutching onto his side but adamant to finish some kind of plan that he had come up with. One that he hadn't filled me in on.

Derek hobbled up and ran at Jackson, just as I spotted a figure fly out from the shadows. That's when I knew it was Peter. He had been here this whole time.

Out of nowhere, Derek stuck his claws into Jackson's stomach and since nothing is ever simple anymore, Peter joined in and pressed his claws into Jackson's back, creating two sets of werewolf claw marks.

Once they were finished draining the life out of Jackson, I watched Derek's face soften and they pulled their claws out, leaving Jackson to shake on his feet. I clutched onto Lexie as we watched all of this happen, slightly relieved. It was over.

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