Chapter 31 - Paralyzed

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"And how did you end up in a dumpster?" I just picked up Stiles from a random alley dumpster, he was trying to brush of the horrific smell, but it was just making it worse. And as per usual, he took over driving, when will I be able to drive freely, who knows. 

"It's a long story," we were heading to get his Jeep fixed, apparently Erica ripped out something for it to stop working, I'm not sure what it was, I may be a genius but I'm awful with anything to do with cars. 

Halfway through the drive, it started happening again. My head started spinning and that's when something came into view. A car, a Jeep, Stiles' Jeep. But that's all I could see, nothing else. That's weird, normally I see someone getting hurt, or someone in distress. Why am I seeing Stiles' Jeep. I decided not to say anything, since Stiles worried way too much and if I said anything about his baby, he'll freak. 

So, I kept quiet. He pulled up to the garage and told me to stay in the car, but did I listen, no. Instead I followed him in and went straight to the office where I could sit down. It took awhile for the guy to fix and I noticed that he was probably doing more than Stiles  had asked for, doesn't mean his Jeep didn't need it though. But it didn't matter because Stiles doesn't have the many for this, so I watched him through the window as he started shouting at the guy. 

The mechanic continued working and Stiles came to the door, grabbing the handle and then looking at his hand in disgust, huh, that wasn't there before. "Oh. Nice. It's real sanitary. Quality establishment you're running here." he swung the door open, wiping whatever goo he touched on his jacket. Closing the door behind him, he smiled slightly as he came in and took out his phone. 

"What's the problem?"

"The guy's trying to rip me off," I stood up and put the random magazine that I had picked up to read, down. I spotted something on the wall and headed over to it. The same mechanic, wearing a Lacrosse jersey and holding a Lacrosse stick. 

"He played for Beacon Hills," I mused out loud as Stiles glanced over at it and rolled his eyes. 


Stiles started typing out a message on his phone and that's when my blood started to turn cold. This wasn't right, we shouldn't be here. Whatever I was feeling, it started getting me panicked, something was about to happen and it wasn't good. 

"Something's wrong," I muttered as I looked over at Stiles who was struggling to move his thumbs or any of his fingers. What was going on? Then his phone fell out of his hands and he just looked at them in confusion. 

"Yeah, you could say that." I went over to him, checking if he was okay, but he couldn't move.

"Stiles, what's wrong?" he was shaking, but it's like his hands were cramped, he couldn't move them. And then his eyes widened as he looked out of the window into the garage, I gave in to my suspense and turned to see what he was looking at. A reptile-like creature was crawling across the top of Stiles' Jeep, the mechanic was underneath fixing the problem. Oh god, what the hell is that? 

"No. Hey. Hey!" he stood there motionless trying to get the attention of the mechanic, but it was no use, and then whatever the creature was, it swiped the guy on the back of the neck with its long, razor-sharp claws. 

After a second, it caused the mechanic to collapse right underneath the Jeep. Oh no, this is what I saw. When I saw Stiles' Jeep, this is what I was seeing, someone dying. I have to help him. And that's when Stiles collapsed on the floor in front of me. 

"Stiles!" I crouched down to check if he was okay, he was fine, awake, responsive, he just couldn't move. It was like he was paralyzed or something. "Stiles, are you okay?" he tried to nod, but it didn't really work. That's when I heard the Jeep moving, holy crap, no. It was gonna crush him. "Shit, I gotta help him," 

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