Chapter 22 - The Night of the Formal

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"What do you mean you're not going?" I questioned down the phone, Lexie's voice came out quiet and timid, it's like after all this time she had retreated back into her shell. 

"I haven't got a date," she explained that Stiles had ditched her to be able to take Lydia. And I'm not blaming Stiles because he doesn't know how Lexie feels and therefore doesn't know that he's stamping on her heart. 


"So what's the point of me going when A) I don't even wanna go and B) I have no one to go with," she whined and I sighed, normally when Scott whines at me, I wanna punch him in the face, but with Lexie I just feel bad. How hard it must be for her to fit in with us when she should be in the grade below us, everyone treats her like she's a child, like she doesn't belong. 

I don't see that, she is the smartest person and I know and it makes her mature like really mature, she seems older than me if that makes sense. "You have me,"

"Yeah and your date. Who are you even going with again?" she reverted this conversation to me and I groaned. It was a long story. 

"Ugh, Greenberg, but don't even question it. I lost a bet. That doesn't matter, what matters is you're gonna come out tonight, because you are different than the person I knew at the beginning of this year, and you deserve to have fun," I heard a pause on the other end and then I heard her sigh. 


"But you're gonna need to ask Stiles for a ride because Greenberg's car is disgusting and I don't want you to have to sit through that just because I have to," I heard her groan and then I hung up before she could complain further. 


I was looking for my mom so she could zip up my half dress half jumpsuit style outfit, and found her in Scott's room, sat beside him on the bed sewing up his pants. I stood there in the doorway as they talked about Allison. 

"You're going alone?" my mom asked, slightly confused that Scott hasn't moved on just yet, but she doesn't understand how in love with Allison Scott is, 

"Stag. There's a difference. Sort of." he corrected her as I smiled from the doorway. 

"There's no difference." I told him as he gave me an unamused expression, he turned to my mom who had paused sewing for a second.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little, you know, surprised that, you know, you don't have anyone else to ask other than Allison."

"There are no other girls besides Allison." I rolled my eyes, he had this whole worship thing towards Allison, are there actually guys like that out there, other than my brother I mean, because if there are, I'm staying away from them.

"Here we go," I commented, my mom didn't realise that he was about to go into a whole story or love letter about the one and only Allison.

"You really feel that way?"

"Can you just please keep sewing?" my brother begged, jumping up from his place on the bed and pacing his room, as he barked orders at my mom, she didn't seem too thrilled about that. 

"No, no, no, no. You have time for just one question. Come here. Do you really feel that way?"

"I can't help it. I mean, every time I look at her, I get this-this hollow feeling in my chest, and it's like-it's like someone literally took a shovel and dug a hole in me, and it's the worst feeling I've ever had in my life, and I didn't-I didn't know anyone could actually ever feel this bad."

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