Chapter 14 - Alpha, Beta or Omega

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The bloody handprint definitely caught their attention because not long after I slumped down against the door, I heard Scott fumbling around trying to get it open. Once he did, him and Stiles helped me in and rested me against the wall. They went back to securing the door as Lexie appeared at my side, tears in her eyes. "Oh my god! Are you okay?" I looked up to see Allison standing there, Jackson and Lydia behind her. This was so weird. My brother came to my side and repeatedly asked me if I was okay as well.

"I'm-I'm okay, it's-just a sc-scratch," to tell you the truth, I definitely wasn't okay. Once I told Lexie to run, we ended up going in different directions, with the Alpha following me. I tried to outrun it, but I couldn't. It scratched me, on my back, across the head. When I fell down, I tried to crawl away, I was in so much pain and it just crept up on me. It wasn't fast, it was slow, it was as if it wanted to take it's time biting me. The hallway by the cafeteria, that's where it lunged and bit me, right on my shoulder. I cried out in pain and then it left, looking for the others. I was able to follow him and find my friends, thank god. 

Scott stood up and went over to Jackson, they started talking and I turned to Lexie, "Why are you crying?"

"I saw you?" Lexie whispered as I squinted my eyes at her, what does mean she saw me? I'm pretty sure I was all alone.


"In my head. I saw you get killed." she whispered again, what was wrong with her? First the spiral thing and now predicting a death that didn't even happen. Maybe she was psychic. 

"Well, I'm definitely alive. Because this hurts like a bitch," I said through gritted teeth as Lexie moved my jacket off my shoulder, exposing a huge bite, oozing lots of blood. "Oh god," 

The others continued to argue about what we were gonna do. Mostly Scott reassuring everyone that he could go out and find the janitor's keys and Allison telling him that he was stupid for even thinking about it.

Of course I didn't like the idea, but Scott was a werewolf, he was basically invincible. Thinking about it, I realised that the bite would probably be gone by morning. "Lexie? Am I gonna turn into a werewolf?" 

She looked at me like she didn't know the answer, when in fact, we both knew that I was definitely gonna end up like my brother. "I read somewhere that if the bite doesn't take. Then you could die," 


"But I don't think you will. You and Scott share the same genes, the same DNA. Whatever happens to him must happen to you too," 

"I'm gonna be a werewolf." After thinking about the fact that by tomorrow I was gonna basically be superhuman, I turned to Lexie. "Hey, did you find Derek? Is he okay?" at the sound of Derek's name, Jackson turned to us,

"Is he okay? You're not okay, and you're asking if he's okay? He's the one trying to kill us," Jackson blurted out and I felt a whole load of confused and worry at the same time.


"The guy that's been murdering everyone this whole time, Derek. At least that's what Scott tells us," I looked over at Scott, how could he let them believe it was Derek. Why couldn't he just tell them the truth?

"It's true," at the sound of him agreeing with them and listening to him betray Derek even further, it was like a kick in the teeth. I nearly died out there, and I'm gonna have to say it was Derek?

"Scott!" I pleaded as he just shook me off, going on trying to convince everyone that his lie was solidproof. 

"Derek killed his sister, and the bus driver and the video clerk and now the janitor,"

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