Chapter 26 - This better be worth it

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"Scott, how many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry?" I yelled as I followed in from the kitchen to the living room and then towards the stairs. I've been trying to get him to talk to me for the past three days. After everything that happened Friday, he hasn't been able to look me in the eye, which means he's furious with me.

He didn't agree with the plan Derek and I had premeditated and now he was ignoring me. "Scott! Scott! Scott, will you just listen to me?"

"You lied to me," he was so offended, mainly because we never lie to each other, ever. It's a twin thing. 

"Is that really such a big deal?" I pointed out but he just scoffed in disbelief, okay maybe I shouldn't of lied to him. But there was no other way for me to get good at this whole 'being a werewolf' thing

"You were planning this, and you didn't tell me. And now what, you're just gonna run off with Derek?"

"Yeah Scott, because werewolves are stronger in packs. We are made to be in the packs, that's literally the whole point." he stopped at the top of the stairs and turned around, his eyes glowing amber, he was really angry at me.

"Well I'm not a part of Derek's pack," he continued to walk to his bedroom where he was in search of his school bag. I was thinking about ditching today but I wasn't about to tell him that, he'd go straight to mom. 

"Scott, you need us," my tone had softened. Derek has been telling me all about what's going to happen, when the rest of Allison's family comes into town for Kate's funeral, bad things are going down. And Scott will need someone to have his back.

"'Us', since when were you and Derek an 'us'?" I couldn't help but feeling down, my own brother was shutting me out, just like Lexie. My best friend who I haven't talked to in days. 

"Scott, please just listen to me. I'm sorry I lied to you, but you need to know something-,"

"No, I'm doing listening." Scott slammed his bedroom door shut and I just stood there appalled, why wouldn't he just listen to me. 

"Scott! Scott!"


"What's up with you?" Derek asked, 5 minutes into driving me to school. He's comes in handy when I need a favour. 

"Nothing," I tried to brush him off, but I knew he wasn't gonna stop asking me, which should be surprising since y'know, he cares about no one but himself. "Scott won't talk to me. And neither will my friends," 

"Too bad, but you've still got your pack," he explained as if there were a whole group of us when in fact it was just me and Derek. 

"Oh, you mean the pack where it just consists of two of us? Yeah, I'm all alone," I kept my sturdy boot positioned on the dashboard, I normally didn't make myself comfortable in other people's cars, but I liked to piss Derek off. And tracking dort all over his dashboard was gonna piss him off. 

"Well, you've got me," I practically scoffed, how could I ever count on Derek, he was so close to being arrested and what would stop him from fleeing town? Me? Ha, that's funny. 

"Yeah, and I'm still wondering how reliable you are,"

"Sabrina, I'm not going anywhere," his tone sounded sincere, and it slightly freaked me out. Derek never talked like that, ever. I guess being a part of a pack is a big deal, enough for him to actually be nice to me. 

"Okay, fine. But are you gonna at least tell me how you're gonna expand your non-existent pack," now I had taken my foot off his car and turned to him, he hadn't let me in on his plan yet and it was irritating me. 

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