Chapter 30 - How many more?

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"Derek! Derek! Just hear me out, I think this is a bad idea," I admitted as I followed him down into his underground lair. 

"And I think you're wrong," he shrugged and I sighed. This was starting to bore me, arguing with him. But after he turned Erica, my blood was starting to boil. What he was doing, was not right.

"Really, you're not gonna hear me out?"

"No, because I know what I'm doing." he told me, as if I should be quiet because I'm just a kid. Yeah well, it's not my fault that I was forced to grow up quickly, and it's not like I'm blaming him either. But if he continues to going down this route, these kids are gonna blame him in the future.

"Well I don't think you do," I exclaimed and he turned to me, mouth open in shock. He's not the boss of me, so I'm gonna tell him when he's wrong.

"Excuse me,"

"You're turning teenagers into werewolves," I pointed out and he just narrowed his eyes at me.


"How many more are there gonna be before you realise what you're doing is wrong?" I was getting angrier now, why can't he see it? 

"You're a werewolf." okay, I was expecting that. But I didn't really need him to point that out. I get it, and I've accepted it and of course I'm thankful for it, but don't you think I'd like to live a normal life?

"Yeah, and I was bitten by a your psycho uncle. You don't wanna be like him Derek." I don't know why I extended my arm out to gesture to the side, but I did, I'm just trying to put across my point. Very dramatically.

"I'm not like him." of course he's not, but he's being idiotic.

"Well, you're doing the exact same thing he did so-,"

"They wanted it," oh, of course they did. If you ask a kid if they want candy, their face lights up and that's what they think about, not the cavities they'll get because of it.

"Did you even fill them in on y'know the Argent's and the full moon?"

"Yes, and they still asked for it,"

"Well did you tell them they were crazy?" I crossed my arms over my chest, he wasn't happy, me questioning him like this. He thought being an Alpha meant he was in charge, and now I was battling that. 

He turned to me, an angry expression on his face, I was about to go into a huge rant, "Derek, do you know what I'd give to live a normal life again? Anything. I'd sell my soul to the devil if I could. This changes you, they don't get that. You go on about fangs and claws, super hearing and super-strength and they're immediately hooked. But you don't tell them that once a month you go crazy and you hurt the people closest to you. You don't tell them that every day, there are people out there searching for our kind, that the slightest slip up could cost you your life."

"You don't tell them that even though you heal superfast, you still feel every single second of that wound, the way it bleeds, the way it stings, or burns your skin. They don't get that, because you didn't make it clear enough to them. That's your job Derek, you're the Alpha. Take control, tell them everything. Every little thing that happens, that you go through because trust me, when they hear it, they'll be slightly more hesitant about diving into the fire." 

I was panting, my eyes slightly watery. I don't know why he makes me feel this way, so emotional and in touch with my feelings. Before I could even think about it further and how he makes me angry, sad and happy all at the same time, he walked toward me. And at first I thought he was gonna punch me in the face again, but instead, he had cupped my face in his hands and connected his lips to mine.

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