Chapter 29 - As hard as rock

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I stood there beside Stiles in my gym clothes, it was rock climbing today, so that's just amazing. Allison and Scott were already up on the wall, joking around, as per usual. Until Allison kicked Scott's foot and he went falling to the ground, the wire catching him just before he hit the mat.

"McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy. Right? All right, next two. Lexie, Sabrina. Let's go!" I sighed but gave in to Coach, because no one ever said 'no' to him. I stood beside Sabrina as I attached the wire to the harness I was wearing.

"Lexie can we talk?" Sabrina asked as she busied herself attaching her wire.

"About what?" I pretended to act oblivious because I knew it just made her mad, I don't know why, but I liked seeing her all riled up. At least it sort of shows she cares.

"Don't be like that!" She begged, in a slight whisper, she clearly didn't want others to hear this conversation.

"Come on girls," so, I started climbing, leaving Sabrina stood down by the mat. Then when I looked up to grab the next yellow handle. Sabrina was already above me, ugh screw her and her werewolf powers. 

"Please, just let me talk," her tone sounded genuine, but then I realized I didn't need to hear her explain herself. She told me what she did, why she did it, so why am I not satisfied by that? Why can't I forgive her.

"What is there to say? It's not like you did anything wrong," I pointed out, which just made her roll her eyes, she knows she did something wrong, I just want her to admit it.

"Lexie, this pack, it's important to me,"

"More important than your family? Your friends?" I was above her now, because she had stopped to talk to me. 

"McCall, come on, keep going!" coach shouted, and so she did. She got beside me, and we were far enough off the ground for her to talk normally.

"I need them to survive,"

"You know some people say you can't survive without your friends and your family either. You' d be nowhere without me. Who chained you up on your first full moon?" I brought up that event, because that was the night she nearly killed me, I risked my life being there for her, and she has not been here for me. 

"Lexie-," I touched the top and then dropped down. She followed shortly after but I had ripped off my harness and was heading to the crowd of others. I really didn't want to talk to her right now. I did the other night, because she saved my life, but she broke out of her chains on a full moon, yet again. How is she supposed to control herself if she keeps purposefully breaking out? 

"All right, next two. Stilinski, Erica, let's go!" I watched Stiles beam as he headed to the wall. Erica, the shy blonde in our class, joined him and they started climbing. Halfway up, I noticed Erica seemed distressed, Stiles had already been up and down already, so I was slightly concerned. 

"Erica. Dizzy? Is it vertigo?" the coach had caught sight of Erica shaking, and I turned to him questioningly, I noticed that Lydia had too.

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear." I announced, whatever was happening to her was not vertigo.

"She's just freaking out." Lydia added to my definition. She could've easily announced it herself, but why would she want to? She doesn't wanna reveal that she's a genius too.

"Erica." Coach called as she continued to shake and cry, 

"I'm fine." she definitely wasn't fine. Whatever it was, it was some kind of panic or anxiety attack. 

"Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." Allison revealed as Coach turned to her wide-eyed, clearly no one clued him in.

"Why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff? I have to get-Erica, y-you're fine. Just-Just kick off from the wall. Th-There's a mat to catch you. Come on."  we all watched as she slowly pushed back and then started descending slowly. "See, you're fine. You're on the ground. You're all right. Let's go. Shake it off. You're fine." as she walked away, I felt bad. Everyone around us was sniggering or shaking their heads. What is it with people? Why have they always got to be such assholes? 

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