Alkaeta, her sister Thea, Judeor, and a squad of Alliance Commandos exited the gunship and spread out amongst the rocks surrounding the path, waiting. A few minutes later, a Legion convoy appeared, carrying weapons and supplies for a large Legion base, consisting of five carriers, two troop transports, and several dozen Legion soldiers on speeders.
Judeor levitated several rocks, and hurled them at the convoy, barring the path and crushing a few speeders. At his signal, the Commandos started firing, taking out several more. Judeor, Alkaeta and Thea attacked, taking down yet more. Thea ducked under a volley of red plasma bolts and decapitated two soldiers with her swords. Alkaeta leapt on one of the speeders and struck the controls with her staff, leaping on another one and doing the same thing to it. The two speeders sped into one of the troop carriers, and exploded, killing many of the soldiers inside, as well as a few other speeders.
Judeor cut down another soldier and unleashed an air wave, slamming four others against the vehicle's hull, cracking their spines. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Haelor, Ryala and Silas, along with the other Commandos, taking out the remaining speeders and moving on to the surviving soldiers. Then, three of the Commandos were pulled forward and two blue energy blades sliced through them.
The Legion Knights deflected the other Commandos' plasma bolts and the Legion soldiers killed another. Alkaeta, Thea and the others quickly took care of them, however. "Take the supplies to the ship. I shall take care of this" ordered Judeor, raising his saber staff above his head. They obliged.
Judeor waited for the Knights to attack. And they did. He repelled a burst of lightning with his palm and blocked an air wave, and blocked the two blue blades, leaping over one of his foes and pushing her back with a triple kick to the chest. He pushed the other away with an air wave, and unleashed a torrent of lightning, which they repelled with their blades. He started thinning the air around them, making them gasp for breath.
He pounced, stabbing one in the gut before she could defend herself and leapt over the other's strike, bringing his foot down on his neck. The Knight rolled away and unleashed an air wave. Judeor pushed back, staggering his foe and electrocuted him with a burst of gold lightning. He closed the distance and unleashed a barrage of palm, elbow strikes and punches to his chest and shoulders, and pushed him away with his palms. He slashed the air with his palm, creating an air blade and hurled it at his foe.
The blade did not cut through his neck, but the power cracked his trachea, and the Legion Knight collapsed, dead. The Alliance gunship hovered over him, and he jumped, using air to help him ascend faster. He touched down on the floor, and entered the gunship, as the door closed. The gunship flew to the Alliance cruiser in the atmosphere, and the cruiser jumped to lightspeed.
"Shouldn't we have taken the base as well?" asked Alkaeta. "We don't have the numbers, and besides, that base is not even important. We won't gain much by taking it, and anyway, the resources that would have to be spent on it would definitely outweigh what little worth it does have. Should we manage to win this war, then perhaps, we shall send a fleet there. But it's not too important at the moment" Judeor replied. "How well did we do?" asked Thea. "Better than I could have hoped for, as this is your very first mission" Judeor replied.
Altiris Knights:Civil War
FantasyJudeor, Itreal, Valhares, Lorya, Kirtan, Lurana, Akala, Renlas and Kylara, along with the Alliance, continue their war against the Legion and Lynaxa. They shall face many trials, and many friends shall be lost. Victories and losses, fight for freedo...