Enchanted by the Web (Amora, aka Enchantress)

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"That boneheaded idiot!" A blonde beauty raged, throwing a glass filled with wine at the wall across from her, which shattered upon impact. The beauty glared at the wall, imagining the one that she wanted to make suffer more than the man that had been on her mind for quite some time. This was the asgardian goddess called Amora, or better known as Enchantress. She had been exiled to Midgard for about one year, before she was allowed back on Asgard. And while she was thankful for being able to return, she stayed back in Midgard because the one she fantasizes about, was here on Midgard.

At first, she had gotten isolated for the sole reason that her past as a villain had caused many of the heroes to have disdain against her. Though bit by bit, she had gotten the friendship of various heroes and heroines. But the turning point in her life was when Surtur came to Midgard, trying to subjugate it to his will, but he was stopped with the combined forces of the Avengers and herself. It was then that the heroes really started to trust her once more and the day that she was allowed back on Asgard.

She had wanted to make things right. She didn't want to be seen as the woman she was once, so because of that... Amora started to apologize to heroes that she had wronged or used in the past. It came to a shock to everyone when she managed to apologies not only to Valkyrie, who she had wrong in the past and attacked, or Thor, who she had used to try and get him to love her, but to Spider-Man as well, when she tried to enchant him to follow her orders. It was a day that Amora could feel was her starting point once more, a day where she had left the past in the past and started to concentrate on her future.

It was because of this that she had started to try and see if Thor would fall in love with her by protecting the place he loved most, Midgard. She went with the Avengers on missions and most often than not, she would ask to be paired up with Thor, something that no one denied. She was happy to see that Thor was responding to her advances, though it was almost in a friendly tone and not in a loving tone, the tone she wanted the most.

But just a couple of hours ago, she found out the truth behind his charade. The God of Thunder could be considered a trickster as his own adoptive brother, because he had played with her heart. He had made her feel wanted and loved, only for said love to be shattered as soon as she saw a sight she would rather forget. A sight that would be forever engraved in her mind, haunting her for eternity. Thor and Sif having sexual intercourse. She had wanted to burst through the room and open Thor a new hole in his body... but she knew that she couldn't do so. They were only friends by midgardian's standards, so she didn't have any reason to harm him because he chose someone else. But it hurts, knowing that someone you have followed for almost most of your life and had not only rejected her again and again, but had chosen Sif instead of her.

"What does she had that I don't?!" She yelled in anger once more, as she used her magic to trash a table against the same wall she had thrown the glass filled with wine at. Hot tears ran down her cheeks as she couldn't help but wonder why. She hid her exotic green eyes with her hands as she silently sobbed. Her heart had been broken and tossed into the ground without a care in the world. Why couldn't she have the happy ending that she wanted? All she ever wanted was for Thor to love her and have a family, but the thick headed idiot didn't even care at all.


Her eyes opened wide as she whipped her head towards the door. She wasn't expecting no one, and just a few selected people actually knew where she was living in Midgard. She wiped her face and tried to calm her emotions. Her emotions were everywhere at the moment and she really didn't want to throw everything away just because Thor was thinking more with his lower head than his real head. So standing up from the green sofa she had on her living room, she went to the door, only to hesitate as soon as she got there.

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