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hey hey what's wrong he crouched down to my level then i sobbed out m-m-my s-s-soul-m-mates h-had t-to l-leave then i busted out crying again he gently wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug then i cryed more in his shoulder then after awhile i calmed down then dad let go of me then he said feeling better little bird i rubbed my eyes and said a little good he said then he picked me up and took off my shoes and carried me in my room then he put me in my bed then pulled the covers over me then closed the curtains then he said sleep now little bird you've had a rough day he said kissing my forehead i nodded and said t-thank dad he looked at me and smiled then he ruffled my hair and left i slowlt start to fall asleep thinking about toyua and tenko...

dabi (toyua's) pov

after we hugged lzu~chan kurogiri said sorry little ones it's time to go then lzu cryed more i felt super sad then tenko went to say don't worry we'll see you again lzu~chan after that we both went in kurogiri's car then looked at lzu who was still crying we both waved at her still crying about leaveing her then kurogiri stared to drive we just stared at lzu until she was out of site then tenko started to sob more why do we even have to leave!? he shouted at kurogiri i'm sorry tomora but master says we have to go live in a base now tenko just sobbed more into my chest i hugged him he also hugged me back tightly we both angry and sad about leaving lzu~chan and our other friends then after awhile we both fell asleep

(time skip to the next day)

lzuku's pov

after i woke i got out of bed and went to put on my cloths because mom said i had to go to kindergarten now i went to my bathroom and looked at my mirror my eyes were red and my cheeks red i quickly brushed my teeth and combed my hair then dad came in my room and said are you ok nugget? i shrugged a little i said he sighed and picked me up and brought me down stairs i saw my mom she quickly came and hugged me i hugged her back then she said i'm so sorry lzuku i just cryed into her chest then she lifted up my face and wiped my tears away come on lzu i'm shore that tenko and touya wouldn't like to see you cry would they? i shacked my head no

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