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(time skip to the next morning)

lzuku's pov

i woke up to someone shacking me i groaned then said five more minutes then i heard wake up lzuku your gonna be for breakfast and be late for class i opened my eyes to see mom looking at me i got up and went to my room to take a shower after i was done i dried and combed my hair then put on the cloths then brushed my teeth i grabbed my backpack then walked down stairs to see dad sitting at the table with a news paper and a cup of coffee and mom putting down plates i quickly sat down and said good morning dad chuckled and said good morning too birdie then mom placed a bowl of pork noodle soup

 i clasped my hands then quickly eat my food when i was done dad got up and took our  bowls then put them in the sink then put on his jacket then said see birdie i was hero work to do i waved goodbye at him as he flew off the balcony i got up and ...

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i clasped my hands then quickly eat my food when i was done dad got up and took our bowls then put them in the sink then put on his jacket then said see birdie i was hero work to do i waved goodbye at him as he flew off the balcony i got up and then mom handed me a bento then followed me to the door putting on our shoes then going into the car then mom drove to the school i got out of the car then said goodbye i quickly went to class sitting where toga~chan and tsu~chan were then i said where is shinso~kun i don't know the teacher said something about an accident i looked at toga~chan then nodded then i took out my coloring pro hero book then toga said guess what lzu~chan what i said tsu~chan get her soulmate mark i looked over at tsu~chan and said can i see she nodded then showed me her wrist it was a black crow with white eyes then i said hmm your soulmate must be someone with a bird or a bird like quirk she nodded then said but i don't know any one with a bird quick she looked a little sad then i said don't worry tsu~chan you'll them soon she nodded then went back to drawing then i started to color dad in my coloring book then the teacher came and said ok class why don't we all go play outside and play a game of tag she said then i put my stuff back in my backpack then walked out the class room with toga~chan and tsu~chan then i sat down on a bench and watched the other kids play then something hit me in the face then i flew bak holding my face in pain i look to see where the ball came from only to see katsuki with a smirk then the teacher came to me then handed me a tissue then i noyiced a had a bleeding nose then she yelled at katsuki to go to the timeout corner then she carried me to the nurse then layed me on the bed then the nurse aske what happened then the teacher told her then the nurse nodded then took a lce pack a piece of cotton and wet wipes then came to me wiping my nose i tryed to move away but she just kept wiping my nose it hurt lot then she neatly folded the cotton then gently put it in y nose then she put a bandaid on my nose then put the lce pack on my eye i whimpered a bit then she said it's ok midoria the pain will numb by itself tomorrow i nodded then i heard the teacher said to the nurse i knew that katsuki kid was nothing but trouble then toga~chan and tsu~chan came to the room with worried faces then sat on the bed then toga~chan said are you ok lzu~chan he hit you with the ball pretty hard then i said i'm fine girls just stings a bit 

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