nice apartment

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ok let's go to our apartment dabi~kun said as he grabbed tenko~nii and my hand dragging us to thier apartment wean we got there it was a nice looking place when we got inside we took off our shoes dabi~kun dragged us to the kitchen than i saw a purple mist like man with pirceing yellow eyes he suddenly came and smacked both tenko~nill and dabi~kun in the back of thier heads and said WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN!? YOU HAVE BEEN GONE FOR THE LAST FOUR HOURS he said scolding them then tenko~nill siad sorry we just meet our finale soulmate and spent the last four hours celabreating her fifth birthday he said rubbing the back of his head while dabi~kun nodded also rubbing the back of his head then the mist man turned to me and said hi there little one i'm kurogiri what's your name kurogiri~san asked me i'm lzuku midoria i said shacking his hand then tenko~nill came up and said let's go to my room we'll play some games there ok i said he grabbed my hand and start running up the stairs with him with dabi~kun following us than kurogiri~san yelled don't forget to take a shower he siad then tenko~nill shouted ok

tenko~nill controller

lzu~chan's controller

dabi~kun's controller

you take a shower first sid teko~nill to dabi~kun he nodded and grab some cloths and went in to the bath room so have you ever played any video games he asked yea i do come on he lead me to big screen tv he plugged in a controller and handed me one it was a nice blue one and said do you want to play minecraft? sure i said we played it for a bout fifteen minutes when dabi~kun came out wherein a white t-shirt with black pants it was tenko~nill's turn to take a shower so he got up and grabbed some cloths and went in the bathroom then dabi~kun came over and sat down on my left and grabbed a controller we killed a couple of creeper here ad there then tenko~nill came out dressed in a black t-shirt and white shorts came and sat down on my right we played for a while then i looked at the clock it was 6:30 i quickly got up where are you going tenko~nill asked i'm going home a said why asked dabi~kun look at the time mom is gonna be worried about me i said ok dabi~kun said putting his controller down so did tenko~nill then tenko~nill said you don't have to walk all the way to your house kurogiri can just teleport you there we went down stairs to kurogiri~san then tenko said can you teleport lzu~chan to her home? why of course i can kurogiri~san said what is your address it's xxxxxxxxx ok he started making a porthole i quickly peaked tenko~nill and dabi~kun on the cheeks and before i went in the porthole i winked at then their faces were tomato's

that was the longest chapter ever thank you all so much for reading my book and. WHAT 176 VIWES!!!!!! THANK YOU GUYS

from auter'chan

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