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i walked throuth the portel now i was at the front of my apartment i opened the door to miditly pulled into a bone crushing hug and mom saying where have you been you've been gone for the last four hours mom said looking at me with a worried and teary face i'm sorry ma ma said hugging her backi was with tenko~nill and dabi~kun i met thier guardian i said it's ok but please inform me when you go missing for next few hours mom said wipeing her tears i nodded and hugged her again than she said said ok you take a shower and stright to bed with you young lady yes maa'm i said then ran up stairs and took a shower than put on some blue pj's and then i went to sleep with my alllmight blanket (timeskip to the next morning ) i woke up to my allmight clock i closed it and went to the bathroom and to brush my teeth and hair and then i got a pair of cloths and i wore a green shirt and a black skirt and some blue stockens and my red shoes i looked at my allmight coverd room and cringed in disgust how could i have loved the person that killed my dad i went down stairs to smell some yammy food i saw mom cooking i sat down and mom brought two plates with eggs bacon with toast then we both claped our hands together and said ltadakimasu and started eating our food mom? hmm she said is it ok if i take all of my allmight stuff and sale it? ofcourse you can she said smileing to be honist i hated every time i had to buy that stupaid merch i'm sorry i made you buy that garbage it's ok mom said after we were done eating mom took our plates i went to my room and started takeing off posters off the wall then mom came in with boxes and started putting action figures wait hmm i want to keep that one i said takeing the action figure from her why she asked cause i'm gonna make a new collection ok then i smiled and put the figure on my desk i put all of the posters and clocks and other stuff in a box i rolled up the carpet and took off the bedsheets and cartens and lampstand and put them into boxes then got up and a few minutes later she came back with four boxs with the help of her quirk she put the boxs down mom what are those i said pointing at the boxs oh these are all your old allmight cloths oh when we were done i helped mom carry the boxs to the car all the allmight we had fourteen boxs of allmight merch we drove to the store were they take stuff and give you money (i don't know what those stores are called) mom carry a few boxes and i helped her she was talking to the store guy i look around i saw a erasure head and a president mic action figures i grabed them and went to mom and asked can i have these? sure sweetie how much are these? oh those things we were about to throw them out you can have them for free really thank mister when we were done we got 1056998.65 yen (which is 10,000 doller's)

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