phone call

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they both nodded but still looked worried then the nurse said we should call her mother and tell her what happened the teacher nodded then the teacher went out the door then the nurse came to me then said midoria your mom is gonna pick you up in little while ok? i nodded then after awhile the teacher came back in then she said to me your mother will be here in 10 minutes then went back out (time skip to 10 minutes later)i heard a knock on the door then the nurse said come in then i saw mom came in with a worried face she looked at then at the nurse is it ok if i can take her mom now? why of course mrs midoria mom came to me then said izuku sweetie are you ok? i just nodded then she picked me up then carried me to the car then put me in the backseat and buckled my seat belt then she went in the drivers seat then started to drive then mom drove for awhile until we got to our house then she stopped then unbuckled me seat belt then picked me up then went in the house then sat me on the table then i heard a blast of wind from the balcony i looked then saw dad there with a worried look on his face he opened the slide door then come in he came to me then said lzuku what happened!? i looked away and said katsuki hit me in the face with a ball then he said oh that brat then mom cut him off saying what happened lzuku i thought you two were best friends you even gave him a nickname kaachan i looked down at my feet then i said when i got my quirk i went to go tell him but when i saw him he was bullying toyua and tenko when i told him to stop he didn't then i showed off my quirk he got scared then he called me a villain i said sniffling and since then he has been mean to me ohh lzuku why dissident you tell me this sooner i would have talked to misuki about katsuki's behevier i-i didn't want to bother you i said oh lzuku why would you think you would be a bother if anything ever happened i just looked away she suddenly hugged me then dad later joined the hug then dad said birdie don't you ever think like that again ok i just nodded not wanting to speak now then i just remembered something i broke the hug then ran to my room to find it i opened my drawer then here it is i ran down stairs and gave it to my mom she looked confused then i said it's a recipe kurogiri~san said you wanted then she unfolded the piece of paper then looked at me smiling lzu what would you think if we gave toyua~kun and tenko~kun a call? i looked at her confused what do you mean i diden't get there phone number then she said i never ask kurogiri~san for a reipe it's the opposite he wanted to know my recipe i looked her confused then she turned the paper around then i looked at the paper and at the phone jumping up and down then she went to the phone and dialed the number then she put it to her ear it rang for awhile until hello came a familler voice threw the phone it was kurogiri~san! i thought in my head then mom said it's me lnko oh lzuku finally gave you the paper mom just hummmed is tenko~kun and toyua~kun there? yes there in there room i'll call them down toyua tenko come down here you have a phone call then we heard thumping then i heard there voices again what do you want kurogiri i heard tenko said yes what is it we were busy then mom quietly handed me the phone then i said tenko~nill dabi~kun then i heard gasps then shuffling then IZU~CHAN is that really you!? i hummed loudly then i heard shuffling again then lzu~chan how are you are you ok we were so worried you were crying alot then i just giggled then said i'm fine now dabi~kun then he sighed then said we missed you alot lzu~chan i know i do too i was so busy talking that i dien't realise that mom and dad left the room (timeskip to a couple of hours later)it was getting pretty late then i said hey guys it's time for me to go mom would get mad if i stayed up late then i heard them pout and mumbled something but then they agreed then we hangup i looked at the clock relishing i talked with them for about 8 hours i looked at the kitchen to see dad sitting at the table and mom near the stove cooking then dad said you really did take your time talking to your soul mates i blushed then nodded and then mom said you better take a shower you are sherly not going in the with theses dusty cloths i quickly went upstairs then went into the shower then after i was done i went down stairs to eat breakfast then after that i went back in my room then got in my bed then fell asleep

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