the park

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eat up me and kurogiri ~san ate our breakfast so eat up we look down and claped our hands and said ltadakimasu and ate our food when we were done kurogiri~san took our plates and put them in the sink then mom said we're going to the amusement park YAY!!! we all shouted then mom went to put on her jacket and take her purse then kurogiri~san put on his jacket then we all went in mommy's car then she started driving to the amusement park i was writing in my hero note book about unkle hawks then i looked to my left to see tenko~nill playing on his game boy and dabi~kun counting his money i went back to writing then the stoped i looked up to see were at the amusement park and mom parked the car then i put my stuff away and unbuckled my seatbelt then we all get out of the car and then tenko~nill grabbed my hand and dabi~kun did the same then we went to see a bunch of games to then i saw a cute bunny i was staring at it then i was dragged to the stand then mom payed the guy then i saw it was a gun shouting game then tenko~nill took the shotgun and started shooting the ducks then he shot all of them then the guy asked what tenko~nill wanted then he got the bunny i wanted here for you lzu~chan really i asked him he nodded and gave me the bunny

eat up me and kurogiri ~san ate our breakfast so eat up we look down and claped our hands and said ltadakimasu and ate our food when we were done kurogiri~san took our plates and put them in the sink then mom said we're going to the amusement park...

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this is the bunny 

then we were walking for a while then we see a rollercoaster then i asked mom if we could ride it she said ok then we went on the roller coaster mom and kurogiri~san was behind us while i was with tenko~nill on my right and dabi~kun on my left i was hugging my bunny tightly so it won't fly away then the rollercouster started then we went super fast then people started screaming? why were they screaming this is super fun then we went in a tunnel then we were at the beginning again then we got off and went to get snakes then we got some blue candy apples

then we were walking for a while then we see a rollercoaster then i asked mom if we could ride it she said ok then we went on the roller coaster mom and kurogiri~san was behind us while i was with tenko~nill on my right and dabi~kun on my left i w...

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when we were done we got some hotdogs

then we got some soda since we were all thirsty

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then we got some soda since we were all thirsty

i got the green soda and tenko~nill got the blue soda then dabi~kun got the red soda and mom got the orange soda and  kurogiri~san got the purple soda  then we saw a cotton candy stand i asked mom if we can get some she saidd yes then we got the r...

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i got the green soda and tenko~nill got the blue soda then dabi~kun got the red soda and mom got the orange soda and kurogiri~san got the purple soda then we saw a cotton candy stand i asked mom if we can get some she saidd yes then we got the rainbow one well since it was big we shared it

 when we were done we dumped the trash in a nearby trashcan then we went to the fairs wheel then mom said she will be with kurogiri~san in the other cart and me and tenko~nill and dabi~kun will be in the same cart then we went into the cart then w...

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when we were done we dumped the trash in a nearby trashcan then we went to the fairs wheel then mom said she will be with kurogiri~san in the other cart and me and tenko~nill and dabi~kun will be in the same cart then we went into the cart then we looked at the stars (( i forget to to tell the time sorry_) then we all cuddled up to eachother when the ride was done we went to mommy's car to drive back then mom dropped off kurogiri~san dabi~kun and tenko~nill at their house we waved goodbye to each other then we drove to our house i had to take a shower and put our pj's then i went to sleep hugging the bunny that tenko~nill got me and then went to sleep

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