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then uncle shota picked me up and gave me a piggy ride when we got there the guy asked what flavors we wanted i got chocolate chip mint flavored lcecream and uncle yamata got a vanilla flavor and uncle shota got coffee flavored lcecream and uncle keigo got cherry flavored lcecream we went outside and ate our lcecreams then uncle shota said do you want to go the park problem child sure i said smiling when we got there i saw kids everywhere then uncle shota put me down then i sat on the swings and uncle keigo pushed me then i asked do you like my mom i said looking at him then he immediately went red i-ii um m-maybe? he said well i think mom likes you too really he said yes you should ask her out sometime oh i will he said then he went back to uncle shota and yamata then i said a girl getting bullied by some kids i jumped off the swing and stand infront of the girl huh what do you think your doing get out of the way one of the boys said no i said so playing toght huh well let's see how you handle this he tryed to punch me but i tripped him then i used my green flames and glared at them leave now i said to them v-villain come on let's get out of here said the leader them i stopped using my flames then i turned to the girl she had blond hair and yellow cat eyes then i crouched down to her she some bruises and cuts then she said p-please don't hurt me she said crying i'm not gonna hurt you then is it ok if i can heal you? o-o-ok then i put my hands on her head then green aura came out of my hands and her wounds disappeared then i looked at my arms to see i have the bruises now then i said i'm lzuku midoria then she said i-i'm toga himiko nice to meet you toga~chan she smiled showing her fangs then i asked what quirk do you have? my quirk is called Transform i can basicly turn into anyone as long as i drink their blood she said looking down then she said do you think it's a villians quirk too? then i said no it's a awesome quirk especially for stealth you can become a awesome under ground hero r-really she said looking at me with tears in her eyes then she hugged me no problem toga~chan do you want to play with me? sure she said then she sat on the swing and i pushed her we spent about hour of playing we were tired then she said why aren't you like all the others everybody thinks my quirk is a villain's quirk even my parent's think so then i asked why don't you have a bento box? my mom doesn't make any bento boxs anymore she said then i took my bento box and handed it to her here eat huh she said here you can have my bento box n-no i really can't except this no toga~chan i already ate plus your pretty pale she looked down and started eating the bento when she was finished she gave me back the empty bento box then she said that was the most yummyist thin i have ever tasted well my mom is the best cook i said puffing my chest then uncle yamata said we have to go now little listener

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