date and friends

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aw but do i have ta i said to uncle yamata yes you have to you don't want to worry your mother .no i said then i hugged toga~chan and said i'll meet you here again tomorow ok she said i took my empty bento box and uncle keigo carried me back home then i knocked on the door then my mom opened it then uncle keigo put me down i went in the kitchen and washed my hands and put my shoes away and then i sat down on the table then i looked at the door then i see uncle keigo handing mom a peiace of paper and i hear him say if you don't mind hanging out at the new cafe just you and me he had pink on his cheeks then mom said why not she took the paper and kissed him on the cheek he was a tomato then mom closed the door and came in the kitchen said how was your training? sweety it was great mom i flew super high i was happly wow that's good to hear then she placed a bowl full of yummy Washoku,

i miditly clamped my hands and started eating it oh my god it was super yummy iwhen i was done mom took our bowls and put them in the sink then she told me to go take a shower i went up stairs and took some cloths and a towl and then i went and to...

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i miditly clamped my hands and started eating it oh my god it was super yummy iwhen i was done mom took our bowls and put them in the sink then she told me to go take a shower i went up stairs and took some cloths and a towl and then i went and took a shower then i thoght i haven't talked to dabi~kun and tenko~nill in awhile so i decied to call them then i went down stairs to see mom in a very pretty dress with makeup on her face then she turned and said why lzuku i was about to call you down here then i asked mom why are you super pretty right now? oh i'm seeing a friend hey mom is it ok if i could stay at dabi~kun and tenko~nill's house sure i already called kurogiri~san he will pick you up in five minutes then i ran back in my room and took a bag and put a pair of cloths in it and my bunny then i ran down then a purple portal opened then i said see you tomorrow mom i walked in the portal and i was in the living room of kurogiri~san's house then i said him i gave him a hug and then he said tenko ans toyua are upstairs they didn't know you were coming ooh i said i walked up the stairs to their room then i opened the door i saw playing video games then i shouted hey guys did you ya miss me then their both of their head snapped to look at he then they got up and jumped on me giving me a giant bear hug we missed you so much lzu~chan tenko~nill said

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