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(time skip to next morning) i woke up to my alarm ringing i got up and shut it off i rubbed my eyes and stretched i got up and fixed my bed and chanaged in to some cloths then i brushed my teeth and washed my face then i combed my hair and put into a ponytail then i went down stairs to see momma making soba then she placed it infront of me i clapped my hands and then start eating then mommy said do you remember you have training with your uncle's today then i looked at the calendar it was Saturday i nodded i quickly ate my food then put it in the sink then i asked where do i meet them? at the Dagobah beach oh ok i said put my red shoes and went out the door i ran tords the beach than i saw uncle keigo and yamata and shota i yelled hey uncles i said smiling they all looked at me hey there little bird uncle keigo picked me up then uncle shota said you came just in time then i asked what kind of training are we doing today? i asked well since you have wings so today your training with keigo said uncle yamata yay i can finally learn to fly then uncle keigo put me down and said ok little bird i want you to unfold your wings i did as he told then i want you to flap them i started flapping really hard then i was off the gournd then i looked at uncle keigo he was doing the same thing then we were really high then my back started to hurt but i kept going higher then i said my back really hurt's then uncle keigo grabbed me and we both went back on the ground i was exosted i folded back my wings then uncle yamata said wow that was really high for a first try then uncle shota said you quick learner just like your father then i asked them what was daddy like then uncle keigo said well he was really kind always put others before himself he took care of animals and homeless people he was a really nice guy then i asked how did you meet daddy well we were all 13 at the time we met him well shota was being picked on by some school bullies we tried to help shota but the others kids quirk and shota couldn't erases their quirk because he had acid in his eyes because the kids though it would be funny so we were both held down by a bullies who had a whip quirk but then hitraro came out of nowhere and started burning down the whips and punched the guy in the face then a teacher came and took the bullie's away then he healed us when school was over we saw him outside we went to him and thanked him then we asked what his name is he said i'm hitraro hishesi and from that day we best friend's ooh i said said he sounds so cool i said with stars in my eyes ok then are still gonna train i asked uncle keigo no we're not plus your back need some rest since it's your first time flying your back needs time to grow some muscle ohh i said then uncle yamata said let's go to the lcecream shop ok i said

sorry for not posting in a while :(

from auteur~chan

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