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Beverly left Derry a few hours later, getting on the last bus that took her to New York. Despite being a long trip, Beverly promised them she would visit them soon. She waved them goodbye from her seat and looked at the boys from the dirty window. She liked them, they were nice kids, but she felt pretty interested on Ben: the friendly boy was smiling at her, hoping she wouldn't forget her promise.

Then, the vehicle started to drive away, taking Beverly with it. Once she was gone, they all went home on separate ways except, of course, for Richie and Eddie. It was too dark to see far away and the streetlights barely worked. They hadn't talked since Richie had said he was gay, with his own words.

Eddie was still thinking about the whole situation. He couldn't know what Richie felt unless he asked him personally. But he couldn't. He wasn't brave enough.

Silence. Nothing changed when they arrived home.
Silence. They ate dinner and went to their room.
Silence. Eddie went to the bathroom to put his Pyjama while Richie changed his clothes in their bedroom.
Silence. Still in the bathroom, Eddie thought about Richie. All the time.

When he was ready, Eddie knocked on the door and Richie let him know he was decent. The air suffocated them.
Eddie really wanted to talk about it, but, instead, he stayed silent and went to bed. He turned the light off as soon as they were both in bed. After all that time, Richie was still sleeping on the floor. Sonia had told them she would buy a new bed tomorrow, but Eddie couldn't see him there anymore.

He wanted to ask him something but his lips said something different.

"How did you know?" he blushed immediately, glad that it was too dark to see him.

Eddie heard how Richie was sitting down so, with no other option, he turned on the lights. Richie was staring at him, looking pretty serious. That scared him. He thought he had crossed a line.

"What do you mean?"

Eddie sat down too and looked at him from the bed. He played with his fingers, nervously, under the sheets.

"You know." but Richie waited for him to say it. "How did you know you liked boys?"

Richie took a deep breath. He grabbed his glasses and put them on, so he could see more than just a blur.

"He kissed me." Richie answered with total honesty. "That's when I knew."

Eddie nodded and extended his hand towards the switch, but before he could turn off the lights again, he backed off. Richie looked at him, not understanding what was going on. Eddie didn't know either, but there was something he was sure about: he wanted to know if he liked boys too. He needed that answer desperately.

"Can you do me a favor?" Eddie asked, shyly. "You know, in exchange for helping you out today."

"Sure, Eds." he replied, curious. "What is it?"

Their eyes met and the butterflies returned for both of them. Richie spotted a spark in Eddie's eyes, intrigued about what it meant.

"I want to know too." he finally said, implying the hidden meaning.

It took a while for Richie to realize what he was talking about. Eddie's cheeks blushed and so did Richie's, but it was the first time that they were the same intensity.

"Sorry, that was stupid." Eddie apologized as soon as he realized how uncomfortable Richie was. How could he even ask something like that? It was inappropriate and unnecessary.

For his surprise, though, Richie had walked out of his sleeping bag and was now standing in front of his bed. He crawled on top of it and sat right in front of Eddie, crossing his legs.
Eddie gulped. He didn't know what to do.

Bittersweet Love || Reddie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now