Sweet (lovers) dreams

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Beverly never told them what happened in New York. No matter how hard Eddie tried to make her speak, she was not ready for it yet. So, after a while, he decided to respect her decision and wait for her.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay with us?" Eddie asked her for the third time. She had declined each time, but Eddie didn't stop trying.

"Thanks, Eddie, I appreciate it, but I can't."

It was getting dark and it was time to leave. Richie was impatiently looking at his watch, and Bill elbowed him.
Beverly shooed them and started to get her things ready.

"I can stay, Bev..."

"Leave, Eddie. For the love of God, just go."

Eddie took a deep breath and hugged her before walking out. She kissed his cheek.
Seconds later, Richie pushed Eddie away and took his spot. Beverly rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek too.

"Thank you, m'lady."

Eddie frowned and dragged him outside.

"See you tomorrow, Bev." Eddie said, waving her goodbye.

Mike left too, knowing he had to wake up early the next day to take care of the farm. It would be Saturday, but Mike could never rest.

Bill and Stan were next, but before leaving, Stanley showed her a small box. He put the hand inside and took a shower cap that he offered to her.

"What's this?"

"So you don't get spiders stuck in your hair when you're down here."

Beverly smiled widely and accepted Stanley's weird object. Not later on, she was left alone with Ben, who was looking pretty scared. It was the first time he was alone with a girl his age. A girl he really liked.

They stayed in silence for a while. Ben knew that he eventually had to leave, but something was stopping him: himself.

When Ben lifted his eyes from the floor he saw Beverly with a shower cap on and another in her hand. She giggled, being aware of how ridiculous she must be looking.

"Wanna stay for a while?" he had never seen Beverly so nervous, her hand was shaking a little bit.

Ben accepted the shower cap and put it on too. Stanley always told him to wear one, but neither him nor Richie ever did. Beverly did it in less than a second.

So, having all the night to themselves, they placed a blanket on the floor and sat on it. They turned the radio on and listened to some 80's songs, which ended up being all romantic.
Because of her terrible day, Beverly was incredible tired and laid down, paying attention to the beautiful lyrics. Ben stared at her, admiring her gorgeous new friend.

"Ben," she called his name, pink blush around her cheeks. "could you... stay tonight?"

His heart beat as fast as ever. He could barely breathe.
Then, he laid next to her and faced Beverly. Their eyes met, so close to each other.

"Sure." he replied, softly.

If she didn't want to be alone, why did she refuse Eddie's invitation? Ben was starting to wonder some things, ideas that gave him hope. He was so happy that he could literally scream.
Instead, they stayed quiet on the floor, listening to the song with their eyes closed until they fell asleep.


"What do you think happened to Beverly?"

"Huh?" Richie took his eyes away from the comic he was reading to look at Eddie, sitting in the bed beside him. Eddie had been in the same position for a long time. "No idea."

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