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Even though the room was small, Stanley and Bill thought there was too much that distanced their beds. It was the middle of the night when Stanley checked the hour with his phone. He sighed and put the phone away.
Bill was already sleeping and Stanley couldn't stop thinking about him. All the time.

They were friends. They had always been friends. It was not weird of them sharing a room. Was it?
He looked up at the darkness and took a deep breath. He had to do something about those feelings. Those butterflies. The blushing. The fantasies. He was tired of hiding. He wanted to be more.

He was desperate. And desperate times called desperate measures.
So, he texted Richie.

Jewish urine: i need help
Beep beep boy: love doctor available now
Beep beep boy: do u have an appointment?
Jewish urine: stfu richie this is serious
Beep beep boy: what r u talking about? i can be serious
Jewish urine: 🧢
Beep beep boy: gn stan
Jewish urine: no wait i need help
Beep beep boy: ur lucky eds asleep rn
Beep beep boy: k what u need?
Jewish urine: you know what
Beep beep boy: wait you're not talking about your pickle are u
Jewish urine: wtf no
Jewish urine: and stop calling it that you're literally the only one who calls it 'pickle'
Jewish urine: now seriously i need advice about... it
Beep beep boy: dude we're texting just say you have a crush on Bill already
Jewish urine: delete that rn
Beep beep boy: im getting bored imma go sleep

Stanley took a deep breath. He knew if Richie showed his textes to anyone, he would be damned but he had no other option.

Jewish urine: okay fine i like bill
Jewish urine: happy?
Beep beep boy: indeed
Jewish urine: so? advice?
Beep beep boy: idk kiss him or smth
Jewish urine: ¿¿
Jewish urine: how did you do it with eddie?
Beep beep boy: really complicated but he did the first move ig
Jewish urine: ofc he did
Beep beep boy: just tell him how you feel
Jewish urine: what if he doesn't like me back?

Richie took a while to answer. Then, his phone started ringing, which woke Bill up.

"Who is calling you?" Bill said with a sleepy voice.

"My... mom." he answered, standing out of his bed and accepting the call.

"At midnight?"

"Jewish traditions."

Bill shrugged and went back to sleep.
Stanley opened the balcony door and stepped outside. It was freezing, but it was the only place Bill couldn't hear them.

"Richie, why did you-"

"Bill likes you back." it was Eddie's voice.

"What? Really?"

"I'm going to send you a message he sent me with an audio. Listen to it. I want to sleep but Richie won't stop giggling at the screen." he said with Richie's laugh in the background. "Good luck, Stan, and goodnight."

Then, the call ended.
Seconds later, Stan received the message from Eddie's contact. Before listening to it, he looked at Bill sleeping and placed the phone next to his ear.

Bittersweet Love || Reddie [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now