I spy with my little eye

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One week later

Richie and Eddie had been dating in secret for a week, but Eddie felt like they weren't doing anything romantic or that made them look like boyfriends. Sometimes Richie held his hand or smile at him, and that was everything they did. No hugs. No kisses. No nicknames.

Lately, Richie and his father had been spending more time together and that was fine with Eddie, he could understand that they were buddies again or whatever. But he also wanted his boyfriend back.
The worst part was that he wasn't able to talk about it with anyone, not even Beverly. He wanted to call her and tell her everything, but Richie would most probably get mad. And the last thing Eddie wanted now was more distance between them.

So, when he arrived at school, always on his own since Richie was always busy, he sighed and sat on his seat. After his talk with the principal, Eddie was wearing the uniform again, still disliking it. He only did it so Richie wouldn't suffer the consequences.

"You look awful." Mike said, grabbing a chair and sitting next to him.

"Yeah, I love you too, Mike." he blurted, sarcastically. The truth was that he hadn't been sleeping much lately, especially when he was in the same bed as Richie. The boy had been avoiding him since he cried at the McDonald's restaurant.

Minutes later, Bill appeared in class and joined their private reunion.

"Update m-me."

"Eddie's dying."

"No, I'm not." but, as he always did, he started getting paranoid. "Wait? You really think so?" Eddie checked his hands for any weird or unusual spot.

Mike rolled his eyes and looked at Bill for help. None of them knew what was going on with Eddie until Bill made a supposition.

"Is it because R-Richie said he w-was gay or something?"

"That was days ago." Stan joined them, resting his hands behind Bill's and Mike's shoulders. "Get over it."

Ben came along with Stan and the four of them kept talking while Eddie was looking for Richie. If Stanley and Ben were there, and they were always with Richie, where was he? Richie wasn't in the classroom and he hadn't seen him either in the morning. For the past days, he would always wake up before Eddie because of some council work, but Eddie wasn't so sure now. It looked like a pretty lame excuse.

"Where's Richie?" Eddie finally asked.

Ben stayed muted, looking at Eddie and then at Stan.

"Ben, tell me where he is."

"I can't." he finally talked to him. "Richie told us not to tell you."

"He's in class B." Stanley said anyway, refusing to follow Richie's rules. He was slowly taking control over his life and... well, pissing Richie off was really funny.

Eddie thanked him and walked out of the classroom, his seat taken by Ben, who was faster than Stanley.

"Fuck, where do I sit now?"

"Here." Bill joked, patting his lap. Immediately, Stanley blushed and looked away. Ben and Mike started laughing, while Bill was examining Stan's reaction.
What did that mean?


Even if Eddie had been almost two months at his school, he still didn't know where the classes were. Class B? That was as useful as saying pineapple as an answer.
Luckily, teachers did know where the classroom was and, after asking three of them, he found the room.

The door had a small window on top that let him see what was inside the room. It was pretty small and there was only a big table surrounded by chairs. Eddie expected the worse but instead he found Richie, sitting in front of a laptop, and with multiple papers and folders with him.

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