Triumphal comeback

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Despite looking like the end, the trip had just started, as well as a new era.

Minutes later, they were already acting like tourists around the city and taking advantage of Eddie's knowledge about the best places to hang out.
Richie and Eddie were leading the group, Stan and Beverly behind them chatting and Bill, Ben and Mike playing "I spy".

At the end of the day, they came back to the hotel, Eddie still eating his ice cream before leaving.
Richie quickly complained.

"How come you can all spend the night with your lover and I can't?"

"Haven't you got enough with the principal seeing you two together?"

"No, Stan." he replied, glaring at him.

"We'll see each other tomorrow. My uncle won't let me spend another night out again since I've missed one day of school."

"Yeah, what did he say about that?" Beverly asked him once she remembered he had called Eddie earlier.

"I told him the truth." Eddie responded. "I said I was touring some friends from Derry. He was fine with it."

"Your entire family is so cool, goddammit. It's not fair." Richie shared.

Eddie gave him his ice cream so Richie would feel better. The boy subjected the Popsicle in confusion.

"You didn't eat yours."

"What are you talking about?" Richie said. "I ate an ice cream cone ten minutes ago."

"I'm sensing something cheesy so I'm leaving."

"Stan! Wait f-for me!"

Beverly and Ben followed Stan and Bill inside seconds later, and so did Mike.
Once again alone, Richie couldn't still figure out what Eddie was talking about.

"That night." Eddie began to explain. "It was the first night your dad was back, he came to your room and you two had a discussion. He brought you an ice cream that I chose for you but it melted before you could eat it."

"Cherry. He said it was cherry. My favorite ice cream flavor."


"It wasn't his idea, wasn't it? The ice cream."
>>I know it was yours."

"Oh, yeah, I remember now." he said with a cute giggle and Eddie's smile encouraged him to keep talking. "Is that why you chose the grape one today?"

Eddie nodded, which made Richie feel happy again.
Feeling the ice cream melting on his fingers, he got closer to him and kissed Eddie on the lips. The whole memory came back to both of them, feeling a little bit of nostalgia.
So many things had changed during those months, but some things were still the same. Perfection is immortal and that's the only truth for them. They're perfect. Perfect for each other.


Two days passed by real fast and, before they even noticed, it was already Monday. They spent the weekend the seven of them all together, visiting places and enjoying every single second. So, when it all came to an end and it was finally time to go back to Derry, they felt sad again.

Inside the bus, Richie couldn't stop worrying about Eddie. He was coming back home after all those months, carrying all his bags on his own. Luckily, Beverly was with him to help him and accompanying him all the way home.
Mike was sitting next to Richie again and the fact that he was always talking about Paul made Richie feel genuinely happy for him and he was distracting him, just what he needed.

"But are you two dating now?"

"What? No, not yet." Mike rested his head on the window and sighed. "I'm not even sure he likes me that way..."

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