I'm no good at goodbyes

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One policeman followed Eddie on his way to the classroom, making sure he took his things with him and stayed away from Richie on his way out.
Eddie was holding back his tears while grabbing his fanny pack with his school supplies.

"Eddie?" Mike asked him, taking the seat next to Eddie's.

"Take care of Bev." that just devastated Eddie more. "Call me, please."

And then, he just left.

"What did he say?" Stanley asked him, the one closer to Mike.

Mike just shrugged, feeling confused about his chosen words. There were so many different situations that could go on, but it didn't seem to be related with Beverly's issue. Something even more personal. Maybe his mother hurt herself? He couldn't guess.

Minutes later, Richie opened the door and sat on his seat, incredibly mad and frustrated. He wanted to leave with Eddie, but they didn't let him.

"Psst... Richie..." Stan asked him, tapping his back. When he turned around, his face transmitted too many anger. "What happened?"

"They are fucking transferring him. It's my fucking fault."

"Richard, eyes on front." the teacher warned him.

Never in his life had a teacher said anything like that to him. That was the proof that his power was slowly disappearing. He was becoming one of the others.

After all his classes, Wentworth picked him up, forcing him on the car. Richie followed him, not knowing what to expect.

"Is it true?" his father said with an angry tone, raising his voice. "Were you and Eddie together all this time?"

Richie crossed his arms, indignant. Of course he wouldn't understand.

"It's because he's a boy, right?"

"He's your stepbrother, Richie! You were supposed to take care of him, not advantage."

"Dad, I didn't." he fought back. "We're in love."

"Love." he repeated, disgusted. "What do you know about love? This is not happening again, do you hear me?" before Richie could say anything, he talked again. "Eddie's moving back to New York. He will stay with his uncle's family, Sonia's brother."

Richie frowned at him, furious.

"There's something very wrong with this thing between you and Eddie."

"Oh, you piece of shit!" he insulted him, something he had never done before.

Richie tried to open the door car to leave, but it was locked. He continued to try until he found out it was useless.

"You're crazy!" he faced him again.

"Crazy?" Wentworth terrified Richie with his pronunciation. His eyebrows raising, eyes focused on him. "You want to see real crazy? You disrespect me again. Okay? Here's what's gonna happen. I'm going to drive you home. And I'm gonna speak and you're going to listen." his hands now resting on the steering wheel. "And then, maybe, maybe by the end of it, maybe if you're lucky, maybe... I will continue to allow you to speak to Eddie."

Richie stared at him, afraid of his father. The man was sounding so severe that he was starting to see his father as the person without feelings that he had always been.

"Nod if you understand!"

Richie did so and his father turned on the car after he said that.
He wouldn't let his son ruin his marriage. Not now that he was back.

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