Bad decisions

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"What are you doing here?" Eddie said, covering his body with the sheets.

"I was invited, too. We go to the same high school."

"How did... this happen?"

Beverly felt as ashamed as Eddie, finding it all unbelievable. She went there to see Eddie, but as soon as she started drinking, she lost control.
Well, no shit.

"Please don't say anything to Richie."

"I won't. This never happened."

"Fine, yeah."

They stayed in an awkward silence for a while. Someone had to stand up first and Eddie took the risk, asking Beverly to look away. She did so, and Eddie found his underwear as fast as he could. Once he had his pants on too, he let her know it was fine. He was shirtless, but it didn't feel as wrong. After all, they had seen each other naked.

Once he was all dressed, he rushed to the door and said goodbye to her. Closing the door behind him, he took a deep breath. It was a nightmare, it had to be.

Eddie left the house so fast that he nearly fell downstairs. She hadn't seen Beverly in a long time and it was probably because she had longer hair that he didn't recognize her. He would never drink alcohol, ever again.


When Beverly came back to Derry, Ben asked her how it was. She avoided the question and left her things in her bedroom. The apartment was really small, but it was the only thing she could afford right now.
Ben was the only one with her right now, they weren't supposed to hang out with the rest until the evening.

She knew they weren't dating, but Beverly was aware about the feelings that were growing for each other. Neither him or Beverly had take the step to say anything about it, though.

"It was fine." she walked to the kitchen and drank some more water.

Ben didn't believe a single word she had said.

"Bev, tell me the truth."

She wasn't good at keeping secrets. And it was something that had happened, but it didn't have to be a big deal if they didn't want it to be.
The earlier they confessed, the sooner they could move on.

"I had sex with someone." she finally blurted out, drinking some water.

"Oh." he said, disappointed. Maybe Beverly didn't feel anything, after all. That was the proof. "Do you like him? Or her?"

"No." she answered. "Well, I mean, yeah, I do. As a friend. I've known him since we were kids."

"I see." Ben's heart was already broken. He didn't need more details about it. "I probably should go."

The boy left the room, but her voice stopped him before he could open the front door.

"Wait," she followed him. "It meant nothing. I was drunk, Ben, believe me."

"You can have sex with whoever you want, I'm not your-"

"It was Eddie."

Ben opened his eyes wide, staring at her.
If that was some kind of joke it was so not funny.


"I didn't know it was him until this morning. Fuck, Richie's going to hate me."

"No, no. You can't tell him." Ben put his hands on her shoulders.

"But maybe he-"

"He'll murder you, for sure."

"I'm fucking stupid!" she got away from him, especially because she wasn't worthy. "I fucked up."

Ben followed her and they both sat on the couch, facing each other.

"Does Eddie know?"

"He was as drunk as me. He screamed when he found out today. I swear to God I never wanted this to happen." she closed her eyes. "Richie's my friend, too."

It was true that Ben had no idea on how to solve that. The problem was already done, and keeping it a secret could break Eddie and Richie up at any moment. It was better to let him know.

"Eddie's the one who has to tell him." Ben calmed her down, holding her hands.

"But I did it, too. I'm just as guilty."

"Maybe, but you know I'm right. Look, you told me and I took it fine. There's a possibility that Richie will react just as well."

"But we're not dating."

That affirmation hit Ben like a bus.

"You're right. We're not." he finally said, a little bit hurt. "We just have to wait now."

Beverly nodded and kept quiet. Soon Ben stood up and prepared Beverly some breakfast, believing she must be starving. And she was.

Meanwhile, Beverly stared at him from the living room, seeing him walk around her kitchen. He was amazing. She just hoped she could be just as brave to tell him that.


Eddie didn't get out of his bed the whole day. He spent all the time there, feeling sick because of the alcohol. He had sex with Beverly. Why? Why didn't he stop himself?
Yes, Beverly was beautiful, but he never thought of her like that. And he still didn't.

Nick tried to get him out of bed uselessly and when he finally gave up, Eddie was alone again. He refused to wear Richie's shirt anymore, he had insulted him now.
Did that make him a cheater? Eddie hated cheaters. But Richie and Eddie never broke up and, even if they couldn't talk to each other, he believed Richie also saw him as his boyfriend.
Then yes, he was a cheater. He cheated on Richie. With Beverly.

He cried silently for hours until his eyes burned.
He hated himself so much.
He would never forgive himself. And what about Richie? Would Beverly tell him the truth? Or was he supposed to do that? He couldn't contact Richie anyhow and, even if he could, he wouldn't do it to tell he had sex with Beverly.

Then, he remembered something.
Something Richie had said months ago.
Something that would change everything.

"We're planning a school trip. I suggested New York. Surprise."

He turned his phone on and looked at the day it was. February 21th.

The school trip would be in one month.
He couldn't decide whether he should smile or not.

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