The bed

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Eddie's feet were killing him. His mom had forced him to go with Richie and her to the store to buy a new bed for Richie so he didn't have to spend the rest of his life sleeping on the floor. Richie had never complained about it, but Sonia still wanted him to feel at home.
They had to wait one month until Sonia and her husband's bank accounts became one and now, well, her and Eddie were rich as well. Sonia didn't want to spend the money with stupidity, even if she felt tempted.

Apparently, there was no bed that would seem right to her. She would always find some ridiculous inconveniences.

"How about this one, Richie?" the woman said, examining a really expensive one.

"Yeah, it's good." he honestly didn't care. He wanted to leave too, but he knew how important that was to her, so he tried to act excited.

"I don't know... it looks too ostentatious..." she turned around to look at her son. "What do you think, Eddie?"

"Huh?" Eddie raised his head from his phone. He had no idea what she was talking about, since he had been texting Beverly all the time.

Sonia rolled her eyes and kept looking on her own. Richie walked behind her and, when he was next to Eddie, he stole his phone and kept it inside a pocket of his pants.


"At least pretend that you care." Richie said, noticing how Sonia was feeling down.

"It's not my fault she's alone." he countered. "It's your father's."

"I told you not to talk about my father." he repeated him, severely. Eddie still remembered that.

Then, Richie ran towards Sonia to catch her up. Eddie followed him, only because he still had his phone.

Now, Sonia was focused on a big double bed, impetuous, standing in the middle of the room. Seconds later, there was already a shop assistant ready to attend her.

"I see you're interested in our new model." the middle-aged woman told her with a charming smile.

"Oh, yeah, I think it's a good-"

Before she could finish the sentence, the woman had already started to tell her all the advantages and how excellent the bed was. Little by little, Sonia changed her opinion until she was convinced that they had to buy that bed.

"It won't fit in the room, mom." Eddie stated, realizing how big it was.

"Of course it will," Sonia was final about her decision. "We'll just throw away your old bed. I was going to do it anyway."

"What?" he said when he realized what that meant. Richie was just enjoying the scene with a sneaky smile. Eddie even asked him to say anything, but the only thing Richie did was to act like he zipped his lips.

Eddie couldn't believe he was okay with it. Sonia was just too in love with the gigantic bed to think through.

Two hours later, they were at home, looking how the employees were putting all the parts of the bed together.

Sonia was at the living room calling her husband and telling him their new purchase. She laughed a few times like she was a teenage girl in love, and that was because that was exactly how Wentworth made her feel.

"You could've said something, you know?" Eddie told Richie after brushing his teeth.

"Why would I?" he said, applying facial cream on him. "It's too funny."

"Funny? This isn't funny." he left his toothbrush on the sink. "Why didn't you just say we couldn't-"

"I'm sorry, Eddie," Richie put his glasses on again and faced him. "but I can't see you as a brother. I just can't."

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