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"Bella, oh my god." Marlene said, starting to get annoyed, "If you don't wake up in the next ten seconds I am going to slap you until you wake."

She laid there silently, not moving a muscle. Suddenly, a pillow began to collide with her face repeatedly. She flipped over quickly and grabbed the pillow out of Marlenes hands and started to hit her back with it.

"Ah no! This back fired!" She yelled running away from her brunette friend. Arabella chased her around the room for a minute or two before accidentally slamming the pillow into a wet haired Lily.

"Oops, sorry lily." Arabella said after hitting her.

"Gimme that!" She said taking the pillow out of my hands and throwing it on the bed.

Arabella looked to the clock in the middle of the girls dorm, and saw how early in the morning it was. "Marlene! What the hell! Why did you wake me up so early? We still have like two hours until classes start." She yelled going for the pillow again.

"No, no, no leave the pillow!" Lily said getting her uniform and shoes from her drawer.

"I was bored! Lily was in the shower and I had no one to talk to!" Marlene said putting her hands up in surrender.

"Ugh." Arabella said falling back onto her bed. "I'm too awake now, there's no way I can go back to sleep."

"Sorry." She said with a fake pout, "guess you have to talk to me now." She smiled.

"No, just for that I'm not talking to you." Arabella said sitting up. "I'm gonna go wake up the boys." She said standing up and walking to the door.

"You're not gonna change first?" Lily said looking at her outfit.

"What? It's not like I'm naked." She replied while turning the handle on the door. "Besides it's nothing they haven't seen before." She said looking back at them from the doorframe. "Oh get your mind out of the gutter Lily. I've been to the beach with all of them."

She made her way down the stairs quickly and went right back up another set to the boys room. She opened their door slowly making sure it didn't make a noise and tip toed quietly over to Remus' bed to wake him nicely.

"Remus. Remus get up." She whispered as she shook him slightly. "Remmy."

He opened his eyes slowly to look at her. "Bella? What are you doing in here?" He said in a low morning voice.

"Came to wake you all up." Arabella said smiling as she sat on his bed. The two had gotten closer since the 'welcome back' party which had been held about a week ago. They had taken short walks across campus and spent time together studying in the library or common room every night.

"What time is it?" He asked.

"Almost 7am." She shrugged.

"Ew. Why did you wake me up to early." He whined.

"I was woken up so I decided to return the favor."

He sat up slightly and grabbed her by the waist pulling her under the covers with him. He snuggled into her warm body under the blanket. "Well I'm not getting up right now..." he said closing his eyes again. After a minute Arabella realized there was no way she was going to get out of his bed, after all why would she want to? After a few minutes, she too fell right back asleep, listening to the light snores that left some of the boys.


"Why is she in here?" James' whispered to Sirius as he looked down at Remus and Arabella.

"No idea, prongsie." Sirius whispered from across the room. "You should probably wake them up though. We've got classes soon.

"Fine..." James said taking the final step to get to Remus' bed. "Get up losers we gotta go to breakfast before classes." James said shaking them violently.

"Ugh, James what?" Remus said taking his arm off Arabella's waist, sitting up slowly

"Get up." James said walking away from the two. Arabella rolled off of Remus' bed clumsily putting her shoes back on.

"What time is it?" She asked.

"8:00." Sirius said looking from the clock to her. His eyes trailed over Arabella's slim body which was slightly exposed due to her choice of clothing. Her black, sports bra like crop top and matching shorts had left her slightly exposed to the world, but she didn't care.

"I'm gonna go. See you guys at breakfast." She said walking out of the room and back to the girls dorm.

"Where have you been!" Lily yelled as the brunette walked back into their room.

"Probably snogging Remus." Marlene said as she applied her makeup.

"I was not!" Arabella said snapping her head over to look at Marlene who had a sly smirk on her face.

"Then what were you doing?" Lily said crossing her arms.

"I fell asleep..." Arabella said quietly.

"Hm... and where did you sleep?" Lily investigated.

"With Remus." Marlene answered for her with a smirk. Arabella found herself turning a bright shade of red.. "Wait really?! I was totally joking, did you really?!" Marlene said standing up quickly, running over to Arabella which caused her to blush an even brighter red.

"Oh wow!" Lily said. "How did that happen?!"

"Well I went to wake up Remus first and he wouldn't wake up. So then he just kinda grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into his bed with him." Shesaid with a shy smile.

"Oh you sly dog!" Marlene said with a playful lunch to her shoulder. Arabella rolled her eyes and walked over to her section of the room to begin getting ready for breakfast.

She quickly got dressed into her uniform and let her hair fall naturally over her shoulders. Deciding that she no longer had anytime to get ready, she decided not to apply makeup and followed after her friends down the stairs to the common room.

The boys sat by the fire in the common room, waiting for the girls to finally finish getting ready. James sat on an arm chair playing with something in his hand, Sirius laid out on the couch staring into space, Remus was reading a book for Defense against the dark arts, and Peter was sitting in a chair silently looking at his hands.

"Lily flower!" James said noticing Lily arriving. "Would you like to go hogsmeade with me tomorrow?"

"Nope." Lily said making her way out of the room, James following quickly behind her Sirius, Peter, and Remus stood up and started to follow. Remus suddenly stopped and turned towards Arabella, causing Sirius to look back at them with a confused glance.

"Hey so, uh, I was wondering if you, and I understand if you don't want to, but if you wanted to go to hogsmeade with me tomorrow?" Remus said nervously standing in-front of the youngest potter.

A large smile made its way into her face as he asked her. "I would love to go with you." She replied with a smile. "Now let's go to breakfast I'm starving." Arabella took his hand in hers and guided them out of the portrait hole and to the great hall.

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