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As Arabella walked through the dungeon on her way to the Slytherin common room, a cold feeling ran through her. She sensed something... yet she didn't know what. Something had happened, she stopped in her tracks to see Sirius and Severus in what seemed to be an intense conversation. Sirius had his hands grilled tightly on Severus' collar holding him firmly against the wall.

She quickly hid behind a wall in order to not be seen, "You want to know? Fine. Meet me at the womping willow tomorrow night." She heard Sirius say in a harsh voice, "then maybe you'll learn to not stick your big nose in other peoples business." He said letting go of Snapes collar.

Curiosity ran through Arabella, what the hell is he planning? He wouldn't be dumb enough to show Snape Remus would he? She doubted it. A small part of her had a bad feeling, but she ignored it considering it was Sirius.

She shook the ideas out of her head as she watched Sirius walk out of the dungeons. She came out of her hiding spot and continued her walk to the Slytherin common room where she was picking up Amy.

"Potter!" She heard a voice call from behind her.

"Hello Regulus." She said as the boy ran to catch up with her.

"What's up with my brother? Just saw him storm out of the dungeons, he looked pretty mad." He said as the two walked towards the common room.

"I don't know, I haven't talked to him today." She said with a shrug.

"Well why are you down here and not getting ready to go to hogsmeade?" He asked her.

"I'm getting my friend, she's in Slytherin and is going to hogsmeade with us."


"Amy, I'm not sure of her last name actually." She said checking her head for her new friends last name.

"Amy Knight?" He asked.

"The short blonde?" Arabella asked to confirm.

"Yea." He said, Arabella did not miss the slight pink in his cheeks as he spoke about her.

"Hm." She said watching him closely.

"What?" He said looking over at her.

"You're blushing." She said with a small smirk on her face.

"What? No, I'm not." He said turning redder.

"Oh my Merlin. Do you like Amy?" She asked with a smile.

"What? No that's ridiculous I've never talked to her-"

"Sure." Arabella said dragging the words out in sarcasm.

"I don't!" He defended himself.

"Ok." She said with a knowing smile, she had looked into his head. It may have been wrong, but she was doing it to help him. "I'll help you talk to her."


"Nope. Shut up, it's happening." She said as they reached the portrait hole.

"Pure blood." Regulus said with an eye roll.

The portrait swung open allowing the two friends into the room. "You stay here. I'll be right back with Amy!" Arabella said running off to grab her friend.

Regulus watched her leave concerned, what was he going to do?

Arabella ran up the stairs excitedly before coming to a stop in front of the 5th year girls dorm. She knocked quietly and heard a soft come in.

"Hey!" Arabella said with a large smile as she saw the blonde.

"Hey." She said putting her jacket on. "When are we going?" She asked slightly nervous.

"As soon as possible," Arabella said waiting by the door.

"Well, I'm ready."

"Good! Don't be nervous, my friends are really nice." She said smiling. "I have someone I want you to meet downstairs come on!" She said grabbing her friends hand and dragging her out of the room.

As she dragged Any down the stairs Amy felt herself get even more nervous, who was she about to meet?

As they reached the bottom of the stairs Arabella looked around the room with a smile, but it dropped instantly as she noticed Regulus was no where to be seen. "Coward." Arabella muttered.

"What?" Amy asked standing next to her.

"Nothing, they left." Arabella said rolling her eyes.

"Who?" Amy asked curiously.

"No one, never mind." Arabella said as the two began to walk out of the common room.


The group waited by the fountain for Arabella, none of them had missed the mood Sirius had been in.

"What's wrong Padfoot?" James asked slightly away from the group.

"Nothing, Severus just got on my nerves today."

"When does he not?" James said with a chuckle.

Sirius didn't reply, he was lost in thought. Was he wrong for what he did? Probably. Would it have consequences? Almost certainly. It was too late to go back now though.

"Where is she?" Marlene groaned.

"She said she had to get someone, she wanted to introduce us to her." Lily said looking around for the brunette.

"Do we know who?" Marlene asked.

"Nope." Lily said turning to James, "where is Remus?"

"He's feeling sick." James said.

"Again?" Lily asked sympathetically. "He gets sick like once a month, the poor guy."

"Maybe we can visit him-"

"No, he's not up for visitors." Sirius said cutting them off.

"Oh, ok." Marlene sighed.

"Hey sorry we're late!" Arabella said jogging to the group.

Sirius' attitude disappeared almost immediately, he was about to walk over to her before he remembered James. He would drag her off at some point today, maybe with the help of Lily.

"Who's that?" James asked skeptically.

"This is Amy!" Arabella said pushing Amy in front of her.

"Hi I'm Marlene! You're so pretty oh my god." She said walking up to the girl.

A blush made it's way onto Amy's face. "Thank you." She said with a shy smile.

"I'm Lily!" Lily said sticking her hand out with a smile.

"I'm Amy. It's nice to meet you both."

"We're gonna be such good friends." Marlene said linking her arm with Amy and started to lead her towards the trail to Hogsmeade.

Arabella smiled as she watched her friends talk to Amy the way to hogsmeade.

She joined the group in conversation, stealing quick smiles from Sirius.

Halfway to hogsmeade Sirius grabbed Lilly's attention and pulled her a little behind the group, he was sure she knew about their relationship and he was going to use it to his advantage.

"What is it?" She asked in a hushed tone.

"I need your help." He said at the same volume.

"With what?" She asked as her eyebrows knitted together.

"I want to spend some time with Bella, but I can't if James is there. I need you to keep him distracted."

"Oh my gosh!" She said excitedly, "this is so cute! Of course I'll help, he can't resist my charm." She said flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Yea yea we know." He said rolling his eyes. "Thank you. Really."

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