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Italicized is in the past

The group of Gryffindor 6th years sat quietly around Gryffindor table. Each of them feeling to awkward to speak. They were all lost in thought about what had happened earlier that day. Their boggarts stayed in their minds as they stared at their midday meal.

Arabella's thoughts were quickly cut off by someone tapping her shoulder softly, "P-professor Dumbledore wants me to deliver this to you." A small boy said shyly, handing her a letter that had been addressed to her.

She thanked him as he walked away quickly.

Dear Ms. Potter,

Please come to my office as soon as you can. Alone please. I sure do love sugar quills.

Professor Dumbledore

"What does it say?" Marlene asked noticing the letter from Dumbledore.

"I have to go to his office as soon as possible." Arabella said handing her the letter to read. "I'll go after I finish my food."

"Why is he telling you he likes Sugar Quills? That man is strange. Brilliant I guess, but strange." She said handing Arabella her letter back.

"I have no idea, I'm sure I'll find out though." She shrugged, re-reading the letter.


"How the fuck am I supposed to get in." Arabella glancing at the eagle statue stoping her from seeing professor Dumbledore.

"What's the damn password..." she said frustrated. "Gryffindor is the best?" Nothing happened. "Of course it's not."

"Hm... sugar quills!" She said realizing the hint. The eagle statue started to move. Arabella stepped on the now moving staircase and began to ascend to the headmasters office. Once the staircase reached the large office she saw professor Dumbledore sitting at his desk quietly pondering something.

"Ah, Ms. potter! Wonderful to see you today! I'm glad you got my letter!" He said standing up and motioning to the chair in front of his desk. "Now I'm sure you are very curious why I have called you here today, is that correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Well it's a long story. I'm sure you know all about Lord Voldemort's rise to power, yes?"

She felt as if her heart stopped for a moment. No good conversations started like this. Her hopes of Dumbledore awarding her for something completely left her mind. "I know as much as the daily prophet has said." She answered honestly.

"Well, Ms. Potter there are some other things you should know." He stated standing up again, walking around his desk. "I believe it would be easier to explain if I just show you." He said as he walked over to a strange sink looking thing near the wall of his office. He lifted his wand to his head causing a strange string like substance flow behind his wand tip.

Arabella watched curiously as it fell into the bowl. Dumbledore motioned for her to join him, which she did hesitantly. "Take a look." He said motioning to the bowl. As she began to lean over for a better look, she found herself falling down into a different room.

Suddenly she was  in a classroom with dumbledor sitting by her side. "Professor?" She said, looking at him. He didn't reply, he didn't even acknowledge bet existence. "Hello-" she reach out to poke him,  screamed as her hand went through his arm. "What the fu-"

"The two with the power to vanquish the dark lord approach. The second born to those who have thrice defied him, both born as the seventh month dies, and the Dark Lord shall mark the second as his equal, but he will have power the dark lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives... the first gains power... believed to be with the dark lord until the truth is revealed to him... the two with the power to vanquish the dark lord will be born as the seventh month dies... years apart they maybe but by family they are connected." Professor Trewlaney said looking off into space. Arabella looked at dumbledor to see him looking at the professor with a shocked expression.

The scene changed suddenly and Arabella was back in Dumbledore office... but still not at the same time.

"Mr. rookwood I am glad you acceptanced this opportunity." Dumbledor said speaking to the boy infront of him. He looked about Arabella's age, and was a gryffindor as well. Ryan Rookwood. Not very popular but not exactly a loner, he had graduated last year at the top of his class.

"Of course sir. Anything to help." He said kindly.

"'Now keep in mind this may not work. From what I have found this potion will only be successful for the one spoken of in the prophecy." Dumbledore said picking up a dark potion bottle and handing it to the boy.

"I understand professor." He said taking the vile from his hands. "H-how will we know if it works?"

"We'll know."

"Alright. Here goes nothing." Ryan said before opening the vile and drinking the potion. Nothing happened.

The scene changed again and Arabella was now standing in Professor McGonagall office. Dumbledore and McGonagall were in a heated discussion, and Dumbledore was losing his patience.

"I just don't know who it could be!" Dumbledor stated frustrated. "What other students where born at the end of July?" Dumbledore said pacing around the room.

"Well we have already crossed off Ms. Powell, Mr. Cohen, and Mr. Rookwood. The only other student in the school right now born on July 31st is Ms. Potter." McGonagall said.

"Mr. and Ms. potter aren't twins?" Dumbledor asked confused.

"No. Albus they are not..." McGonagall said as if it was obvious.

"Well let's give it a shot." He said as he stopped pacing.

"We can't do it now Albus!" She said standing up from her seat.

"And why is that?" He asked. "Minerva, if it is her we have to act now!"

"She is only 15! Give her the year. She has enough on her plate with the OWLs this year." McGonagall said trying to save the girls fifth year, which she did. Arabella had passed her OWLs with flying colors.

"Fine. I will give her fifth year, but next year I must see if it is her. Tom is getting more powerful by the minute." He said concerned.

"I know, Albus. We are doing all we can." She said in a calming voice.

The world came back to normal and Arabella looked around to see Dumbledore now sitting back at his desk. She walked over to him, slowly, a little shaken from what she had just seen.

"Y-you think I'm a part of a prophecy to defeat the dark lord?" She asked him a anxiously.

"Yes, I do Ms. Potter." He said calmly.

"How will you know I'm one of the chosen ones? Who is the other?"

"To answer your first question, there is a potion. This potion is very very complex. It took me years to figure out a potion was needed, not to mention what was needed to make it. The potion is very special and will only work on the chosen one. This potion will give you the power to vanquish the dark lord." He said slowly making sure that she took all of the information in well. "And to answer the second, I have reason to believe he is not born yet."

"What kind of power?" Arabella asked.

"Well, of that I am not certain. Professor Trewlaney has discovered a few things, like mental manipulation, ergokinesis. That is all we know for now. The prophecy is not very specific, but it is enough for us to go off of."

"Sir... what is ergokinesis?" She asked, trying to process all of the information.

"You see I wondered that too but after I sent Minerva to find out for me she discovered that it is the ability to mentally absorb, project, and manipulate energy." He informed her.

"Badass." Arabella muttered quiet enough for him to not hear.

"Now we can not do this without you being in it 100%." He said looking at her sternly. "Do you want to take the potion?"

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