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"Where have you been?" James yelled at his sister as she entered the common room.

"I was with Madam Pomfrey. I haven't felt great all day but I'm fine now." She partially lied.

"Is that why you rushed out this morning?" He said squinting at her, trying to understand everything that she did that day.

"Yes, Mom." She groaned as she walked over to a chair in the corner of the room to read.

"Dont call me mom." He muttered as he walked over to Sirius and Peter who were playing chess across the room.

Arabella glanced up from her book to see Sirius, James, and Peter in a small circle talking in hushed tones. Curiosity ate at her. She focused on the three, keeping her eyes on her book but her mind on the other side of the room.

So whenever Bella decides to finally leave the common room Peter will run upstairs and get the cloak from my bed, alright? She heard James say to the two boys in front of him. She could hear their thoughts, meaning she could hear exactly what they were talking about. 'This is going to be fun.' She thought to herself.

Why do we have to wait for Bella? Why not just say we are going to bed and then just leave under the cloak? Peter said to them stealing a quick glance at the girl who appeared to be reading her book in the corner of the common room.

Because she would hear the portrait open and close and we all know shes not that stupid, she knows we have the cloak. Sirius said in a duh tone.

Oh. Right.

With that Arabella shut her book and stood from the seat. "Good night boys." She smiled at them and made her way to the girls dorms. She sped into her room and changed into a pair of matching leggings and top before exiting the room to watch when the boys would leave.

After about a minute, Peter came running down the stairs, cloak in hand. She watched from her spot on the stairs as Peter walked quickly over to James and Sirius. The last she saw of them was James taking the cloak and wrapping it around the three boys. Then they were gone.

The it dawned on her. She had no idea where they were going, and now that they were invisible she couldn't follow them. 'Focus on James.' She thought to herself, searching the room for his thoughts. God can Peter not hold my hand? What is he five? He thought to himself making the girl smile. Spotted.

She watched the portrait hole open as she heard James talk, "Coast clear? Let's go."

Arabella's hands turned to paws, and her body began to shrink. A small fox now stood where she had before.

Arabella had become an animagus last year with her brother, Sirius, and Peter. For some reason, the three boys had been incredibly motivated to do so, and had enlisted the help of Arabella who was one of the top students in potions. The small fox followed swiftly behind the three boys silently.

Dododo walking to the womping willow dododo... Sirius sang to himself making Arabella laugh. This was exactly what she imagined went on in his mind.

Now that she knew where they were going, she ran quickly ahead of them, taking a short cut to make sure she got their well before them. When she made it to the tree when she heard voices approaching the area and hid in a bush to stay out of their line of sight.

"Do you think he's alright? We're later than usual..." Peter said in a hushed voice. Arabella watched curiously as the three boys approached the violent tree. Her eyebrows rose as James casted a spell to stop the tree from attacking them. He was surprisingly smart when he wanted to be.

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