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Arabella walked out of the bathroom, now dressed fully ready for the party. The party was in about 30 minutes so they were officially fashionably late. "Ready to go?"

"You added fake blood too?" Marlene said looking at Arabella's neck.

"Yea I go bored and saw it sitting on the sink and thought 'why not'" She replied with a shrug.

"So what are you now? Hot angel that got attacked by a vampire?" Lily said.

"Eh I guess so."

"Well you look hot as fuck." Marlene said giving her a flirty wink.

"Thanks Marls. You both look fantastic." Arabella said pulling her two friends into a group hug.

They were both dressed similarly, as they had decided to be a trio this year. "Are we ready to go downstairs?" Marlene asked as she put her lipgloss on.

"I'm ready." Arabella said adjusting the wings she was wearing, "Should I ever wear these? I feel like they're going to hit people."

"I can put a charm on them if you want? Should make them permeable." Lily offered.

"Oh Merlin yes please, that would ease my anxiety." Arabella let out a sigh of relief. Lily laughed and quickly casted the charm, "Thank Merlin for Lily Evans brain."

Lily rolled her eyes at the girl, "Let's go."

Sirius POV

"Sirius!" I heard James whisper yell from his bed as I started to walk out of our room to meet the girls in the common room.

"Yes my beloved." I said running to his side.

"Keep that one away from my sister tonight! You are my eyes!" He said grabbing the sides of my face.

"Which one?" I said looking where he was pointing.

"Remus!" He said whispering dramatically. "His charm is too much for her to resist!" He said staring at me with wide eyes.

"Are you ok?" I said putting my hand to his fore head.

"Shh!" He said putting his finger to my lips. "Keep them apart! I don't want a baby Remus or Bella yet."

"You are aware he is probably the best guy for her in this whole school right?" I said giving him a look.

"No ones good enough for my sister!"

"Fine." I said standing up and walking over to Remus and Peter who had been waiting for me at the door.

"What was that?" Remus asked.

"I'm pretty sure his fever is messing with his brain." I said as we walked out of the room.

end pov

"Where are they!" Marlene said walking around the common room while complaining about how long the boys were taking.

"Calm down Marlene, we're here." Remus said walking quickly down the stairs carefully watching when he stepped.

"Oo a football player very unique." Marlene said sarcastically.

"Oh hush, I just grabbed what I had." He replied back causing Marlene to roll her eyes playfully. "Whoa." He said looking up at Arabella. She turned bright red as he took a few steps closer to her. "Angel? Guess you three are a trio this year huh? Very Charlie's Angels of you three." He said as she walked down the stairs.

"Huh?" Arabella tilted her head, not understanding his reference.

"You look wonderful." He said smiling down at the shorter girl. Marlene and Lily giggled from behind him. Arabella fought the urge to roll her eyes at them. "Thank you."

He went to grab the girls hand but was stopped by Sirius running in between the two. Sirius put his arms around their shoulders and started to guide them out of the common room. "Party time people." Sirius said continuing to drag them out.

Arabella rolled her eyes, of course this would happen. If James couldn't keep Remus and her separate, of course Sirius would do the job for him.

When the group reached the room of requirement, which is pretty much the only place one could have a good party, Arabella immediately pulled Remus away from Sirius.

The two had about thirty minutes of alone time before Sirius found them in the crowd. "Hello my best friends." He said joining the two on the dance floor. Arabella rolled her eyes at him before walking off to get a drink.

She took a shot of fire whiskey before she was joined by Lily and Marlene. "Where's Remus?" Lily asked.

"Probably with Sirius. He won't leave us alone." She said putting the shit glass down in the table besides her.

"That's so annoying." Marlene said taking some fire whiskey for herself.

"Tell me about it."

"Let's go dance!" Lily said grabbing Marlene and Arabella's hands. Lily dragged her friends back to the dance floor where the three of them danced together. The trio danced for about an hour before Arabella noticed Lily suddenly stop and stare somewhere across the room.

Her face turned bright red making Arabella curious, "Lily what's wrong?" She asked, starting to turn around, but she was stopped by Lily grabbing her shoulders and bringing her back to their group dance.

"Nothings wrong. Why do you ask." She said dancing as if nothing had happened, however, her eyes didn't leave the spot she was staring at before.

"Lily, what are you looking at?" Arabella said turning around, but again her sight was blocked by Marlene who had jumped in front of her and spun her around.

"I'm not looking at anything." She said looking at the brunette with a smile. She better not turn around. Arabella read her thoughts, suddenly remembering she could.

She turned around and slightly nudged Marlene out of her way so that she could see what Lily had been looking at.

What the hell. Her face fell as she spotted what Lily and Marlene were blocking from her view. There sat Remus Lupin and Mary Macdonald snogging on the couch.

Tears built up in her eyes as she watched the boy she had grown to like so much with another girl. It was like her eyes had been glued to the spot, she couldn't bring herself to look away. That is until Lily's voice snapped her back to her friends.

"Bella?" She said walking in-front of the youngest Potter. "Bella h-" Arabella didn't hear what she said after that because she had already started to speed walk out of the room of requirement.

She walked quickly around the school grounds, making her way to the astronomy tower. She heard quick footsteps following after her.

"Bella! Bella wait up!" The person yelled after her, but she didn't stop. She couldn't. She had to get as far from the party as she could.

The thought of Remus and Mary kept replaying in her mind as the tears streamed down her face. She thought he liked her. She thought they had an unspoken thing going on. Was it because of James? Was it because James and Sirius always kept them apart? Would this have happened if they just gave them the smallest amount of alone time?

When she finally made it to the astronomy tower she sat on the ledge and let the tears fall from her eyes. Was she for crying over this? Some might say so. Did that stop her from crying? Not at all.


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