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When Arabella woke up she saw a note on the door of her bed room. Your father and I will be gone until tomorrow morning. Make sure Sirius is ok, and don't let your brother do anything stupid. -mom
P.S. I did snow so have fun.

She smiled as she read the end of the note. The girl basically ran to her closet and grabbed her winter clothes and changed into them. 

"Sirius Sirius!" Arabella yelled as She ran into his room.

"What." He groaned as he laid in bed.

"It snowed come on!" The brunette said grabbing his hand, and attempting to pull him out of the large bed. When he didn't move she plopped herself on top of him. "Come on Siri it'll be fun!"

"Ugh fine." He said s he rolled over, causing Arabella to fall off of him and onto the floor.

"Yay!" She cheered like a little kid and she ran out of the room.

He laughed as he watched her skip out of the room with excitement. He continued to stare at the spot she was previously standing with a smile on his face. She had the power to make him smile no matter what was go  in g on in his life. That's the power of love. Yep, love. He just didn't know that's what it was.


After the two of them ate, they raced each other to the door outside. Arabella easily won. The motivation to touch the snow first gave her a good start. As soon as the door opened she sprinted out into the snow. As soon as her feet ran a few steps she came to a stop, did a spin, and fell right onto her back.

Her laugh filled the quiet winter air as she started to make a snow angel. Sirius watched as he walked over to the girl with a smile on his face.

"Come on you have to join." Arabella said as she saw him standing above her.

"I'm good." He said squinting one eye.

"Fine... help me up." She said holding her arms out. He sighed before walking over to her and grabbing her hands, but before he could help her up she pulled him down into the snow.

"I really should have see that coming." He said as he began to wipe the snow off his face. Meanwhile Arabella was laughing her ass off.

"You're so gullible." She said leaning over and pinching his cheeks. He slapped her hand away playfully before laying down in the snow beside her.

It was quiet, almost silent except for the wind that was blowing softly. They laid there looking at the snow falling as it landed right on their faces. They didn't mind, it's not like their clothes were getting wet in the snow.

Euphemia, the loving mother that she was, had put a waterproofing spell on all of their snow clothes. Yes even Sirius', whos she had bought early in the morning before her husband and her left for work.

"Sirius?" Arabella said.

"Yea Bells?" He replied turning his head to look at her.

She continued to look up at the snow falling down. "Are you scared... of everything going on?"

He wouldn't admit it do anyone else, but something about Arabella let him feel comfortable enough to tell her the truth. "Yes." He said thinking of his family.

"Do you think Regulus will be ok?" Arabella asked, hesitating before she did.

"I don't know Bella... knowing my parents- they might make him become one of them." He said referring to the death eaters.

"He isn't like them..." Arabella said turning to face Sirius.

"I know..." he said sadly, "but I get why he acts like he is. The other pure blood family's... well you know how they are."

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