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"What's wrong? Is she ok?" Queenie said quickly as she stepped foot in the office.

Arabella was on her knees with tears of fear streaming down her face. "I don't know what's happening." She said through her cries. "I'm scared."

The brunette said as she looked at her hands which were still clowning red with energy.

"Sh hun it's ok. You're ok. You need to calm down." Queenie said as she kneeled next to Arabella. "What caused this to happen?"

"I- I don't-" Arabella stammered.

"She was in an argument with a boy from Slytherin. He called her best friend a mudblood." Sirius said with his arms crossed against his chest as he watched the interaction from behind Dumbledore. He was doing a good job at hiding the fear and concern that he had for the girl he had grown to care for.

"Look at me." Queenie said to her. "Look into my eyes." She said lifting Arabellas head to look directly at her. "You need to calm down. Find something or someone that keeps you calm. Someone who keeps you happy."

James. Arabellas first thought was of her brother. Her brother always calmed her down, and he always put a smile on her face. Memories of the two siblings danced around in her mind as she felt herself calm down.

"Focus on that person." Queenie said noticing the red energy calming down. "Good. Use them as an anchor. It will take time, but you will have this power under control in no time." The blonde reassured her.

It took a moment for the energy to flow away completely but once it did the anger seemed to leave Arabella's body. "Are you ok?" Sirius said rushing over to her side once he decided it was a good time.

She nodded at him slowly as she tried to regain the energy she had lost. "I'm ok." She said sitting up completely.

He took her hand and assisted her to stand up completely.

"Miss Potter can you come her for a moment?" Dumbledore said from his desk across the room, where he and Queenie had been talking briefly.

"I'll be right back." She said smiling at Sirius before walking away to Dumbledore desk.

"Miss Potter do you remember what I told you when we first discussed this situation?" Dumbledore asked her.

"You said a lot sir."

"Yes well... do you remember what I said about other people knowing about your abilities?" He said as he looked up towards Sirius, who was currently looking at the strange objects in Dumbledores office.

"I'm not 100% on the exact words sir." Arabella said trying to understand what he was implying.

"We must keep those who know limited. Meaning certain professors, Queenie, and myself. Mr. Black can not know." Dumbledore said turning to look at the girl sternly.

"I'm a bit confused sir." She told him honestly, "he has seen my powers, Atleast a little bit."

"Bella, what Dumbledore is trying to say is... you need to make him forget." Queenie said.

"What?" She said as her eyebrows furrowed.

"You have the power to take and replace people's memories." Queenie said, "and you need to do it in this situation."

"I- I don't understand why-"

"We cannot risk your powers being known by the dark lord." Dumbledore said.

"He would never tell anyon-" Arabella tried to reason.

"We can't take any chances hun." Queenie said to the teenager, her voice filled with sympathy.

"Ok." Arabella whispered sadly as she turned to walk over to Sirius.

As she approached the boy she could feel sadness build up in her. She thought she had someone she could talk to about her abilities. She thought she had finally found someone that she would talk to when she felt overwhelmed about the whole situation she was in, but now she had to take that away from herself.

"What did Dumbledore want?" Sirius said turning around as he heard her footsteps get closer to him. "What's wrong?" He asked as he noticed how her eyes were a little glossy.

"I'm sorry." She said simply.

He gave her a confused looks. "You're sorry for what?"

She sighed sadly, "I have to make you forget."

"What do you mean?"

"You can't remember this, any of this." She said looking up at him, their faces inches away.

"Why not?" He asked confused.

"You just can't." She sighed again looking up into his gorgeous grey eyes. She had no idea why but she found herself glancing at his lips, and he found himself doing the same. "You're gonna forget this anyways." Arabella said before connecting their lips.

Queenie watched from next to Dumbledore, who had turned away to give the two teens privacy, with a sad smile on her face. She could tell Arabella and Sirius had strong feelings for each other, even if they badly knew it.

As the two teens pulled away Sirius found a smile forming in his face. Arabella slowly moved back a step before lifting her hand so that it was in front of his face. You're going to forget everything that happened in the past thirty minutes. You guided me away from the pub after noticing I was too angry to stay. Then we went together to the common room to play chess.

Arabella said as the red energy from before flowed from her head to a spot on the center of his forehead. She went through his mind and changed the memories he had from the last thirty minutes to what she had thought of before. She focused on his mind and made sure it had worked, which it had.

Go to the common room. She commanded before lowering her hand. He turned around and walked out of the office without a second glance and without making a single sound.

From her spot, Arabella watched with a straight face as he left the office. The sighed again before walking over to Queenie who was standing alone. Dumbledore had gone off to another section of the office leaving the two girls alone.

"Good job Bella." Queenie said with a smile.

"I think I'm going to go back to the common room." Bella said.

"Ok. Meet me in the room if requirement tomorrow. We can try to see what else you can do with your new power." She said with a smile before walking back to the portrait hole she had shown up in. "See you tomorrow.

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