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When Arabella woke up, she felt something in her bra stabbing her skin lightly. She looked down to see a piece of paper sticking in her bra.

"Ok, what the fuck." She whispered to herself and she took the small piece of paper out of her bra.

Good morning doll. Sorry I didn't say goodbye, I got worried that the girls might come in and that would have made for many many questions. I'll see you in the morning. -Sirius <3

She smiled slightly seeing the note, she felt her heart flutter at the idea of him taking his time just to clarify why he wasn't there.

It was currently 6am, meaning no one would likely be awake. She climbed out of bed and changed into her pajamas before making her way out of the dorm and downstairs into the common room where she walked quickly to the portrait hole.

She began to walk the campus as she watched the sun begin to rise she noticed a blonde girl sitting under the tree in the courtyard. Arabella had never seen this girl before, and she couldn't help but wonder who she was.

She made her way over to the girl to introduce herself and maybe make a new friend, "Hello." Arabella said smiling at the girl kindly.

"Hi, I'm Amy." The girl replied looking up with a small smile.

"I don't believe we've ever met." Arabella said taking a slightly distanced seat away from the slightly younger girl.

"No we haven't, but I know who you are." The girl said, "That sounded creepy, I'm sorry. It's just everyone kinda knows who you and your friends are here."

"It's alright." Arabella laughed lightly, "what year are you?"

"I'm in 5th, Slytherin."

"That might be a reason we haven't met, different years and houses."

"Probably." Amy laughed.

"What's got you up this early?" Arabella asked.

"I thought I would enjoy the sunrise, I love sunrise." Amy said looking up at the sky.

"I'm more of a stars person myself, but I can't deny the truth in that. Do your friends not like watching the sunset with you?" Arabella asked hoping they could speak about how their friends were all not morning people.

"Well... I don't really have any friends." Amy shrugged.

"Really? How come?" Arabella asked genuinely confused. The girl seemed lovely.

"Most Slytherin tend to avoid anyone who thinks differently than them. Or who is different than them."

"What do you mean?"

"Well you know slytherins, all about blood and class status'. A lot of them won't talk to you unless you're a rich pure blood that's believed they are higher than everyone else."

"I guess so, though I know a good few different than them." Arabella said kindly smiling at the girl. "Would you like to join my friends and I in Hogsmeade today?"

"Really?" Amy asked excitedly smiling at the older girl.

"Of course, we usually meet right here at 1." Arabella said.

"Of course, I would love to join you all. Do you think it would be alright with your friends?" Amy asked slightly nervous at the thought of hanging out with the most popular Gryffindors.

"Yea it'll be fun, don't worry." She said sending the fear in Amy's mind.

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