Offer 2

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Futher Away In Reach

Pulling the sheets off herself, y/n got out of bed before taking a quick glance out of the window to determine what time it was.

Around 5am.


She whispered to herself. It was best for her to leave early so she could avoid civilians questioning where she was heading on horseback.
Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, y/n took her toothbrush from her bag, walked over to the small sink just outside of her sleeping room and brushed her teeth.

It's way too early to go to the communal baths right now. I'll have to go after the battle.

Y/n had always liked to head into battle clean but it simply couldn't be helped today. She cupped water into her hands and poured it over her face. The feeling of cold water was refreshing to her. It was one of the only things that calmed her nerves if she was ever agitated.

Shaking her morning thoughts from her head, y/n opened a small closet located just next to the sink and took out Narsis' armour. It weighed near to nothing for y/n, as she had been used to lifting it, but it would've been quite heavy for anyone unexperienced in carrying such armour. One by one, she took the separate peices of armour to where Narsis was stationed until she had them all gathered in one place.
Narsis was already up and waiting for y/n which she smiled at.

"Good morning. Sorry for this but we'll need to use the saddle today"

Narsis knew he couldn't make too much noise so he simply turned his head in disagreement.

"Hey I know, I know. It isn't fun for me either but we need to take everything with us. That saddle wasn't cheap either"

Y/n explained as she ran her hand through his main and pushed up some of it as it covered his eyes.

"I'm going to have to give you a haircut when everything's over"

She smiled before picking up the saddle and strapping it on. With all his fidgeting, the whole process took around 10 minutes. Y/n quietly clapped her hands together as she finshed the hard part.

"Let's get you suited up"

She spoke in a rush to get out of town. The place wasn't very welcoming and y/n wasn't going to stick around long enough to get hate crimed.
After 30 minuets of strapping, tightening and making sure everything was secured, y/n was finished. Narsis looked as sharp as always, especially with his silver headpiece that had "Narsis the Loyal" engraved.

Y/n went back to her room to suit herself up. Her outfit mainly consulted of mental underplates. They were thick enough to protect her from spears but slim enough to not look bulky. As she went to reach for her bow, she heard a knock at her door followed by a voice.

"Open up! It's the military force!"

The voice demanded. Y/n knew she was busted if she didn't get out before she could blink even once. She quickly strapped her bow and arrows to her back, clipped her daggers on her belt, stuck her knives on the straps on her thigh and sheathed her dual swords to their holsters on her back before pulling her hood up over her head. The banging on the door only seemed to get louder and more desperate. Whoever was on the other side seemed very intent on catching y/n. She knew she didn't have time but took a random peice of paper and wrote a quick message before smirking and rushing back to Narsis.

"Time to make our great escape"

The pair made their way out through the back door while the man who was furiously banging on the door managed to get it open. Along with 2 females, he entered the 'house' - if it could even be call such.

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