Welcome to Westview

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The guns pointing at the four reflected a green light on their chests, showing that these agents were not playing around. They were concerned about Westview and everything that comes with it, that much was obvious.

Kat rolled her eyes at the team, of course they'd roll out the trucks for Wanda. There's not a government official that trusts her after Lagos, not even after Thanos and all of the redemption that came with saving the world.

"Announce yourself!" A man in an official uniform stated as he stood a few steps closer to the group than his gunmen.

"This won't be necessary." Loki told him, gesturing to the guns as he buttoned his coat, feeling exposed. "We have the same agenda."

"And what's that?" The man questioned.

"To retrieve Miss Maximoff and the town safely lowering the barrier. Now, lower your weapons before my wife forces you to do so."

"I fear we may have gotten off on the wrong foot. I'm Director Tyler Hayward. I recognise you from my research. You're sister has an entire town hostage."

Kat's hands shot up into fight more as one of the gunmen stepped closer. Director Hayward held up a hand to stop him moving again and Kat rolled her eyes, this wasn't getting them anywhere.

"We're going now." Her patience had run out now. With a flick of her wrist and a blast of green energy, the guns turned into Ravens and flew away.

Kat was still holding Billy's hand and so the pair began walking towards the hex again.

"You don't wanna go in there unarmed! The hex changes you! Makes you forget hi you are!" Director Hayward yelled after them, but the ignored him and kept going.

Loki looked at her skeptically, but she was determined. This is the closest she'd been to her sister in months, and she had nephews to protect now.

Kat looked at the barrier, held her hand up parallel to the static and felt the energy for a moment. "Wanda's strong, maybe too strong for me to take this down." Kat told Loki and he stiffened, of course she was. Wanda had to kill Vision and watch him get killed by Thanos all over again. The woman had been through hell.

Loki held his palm to the barrier to feel the energy too, but it was as if he received a static shock from the barrier. His entire hand glowed red as it was forcibly thrown back, away from the hex.

Loki tried forcing his hand through the red glitches, but it was thrown back out, throwing him of balance. He landed on the ground with a thud and looked at Kat with a face that screamed "don't even think about it."

"I love you." She told him, before she put her arm into the hex and walked in without any trouble.


The static covered her body momentarily before she was spat out at the other side. She pushed herself up from the grass and turned to help the boys. But they were gone. She shrugged, assuming they had sped home to look for their mother.

She looked around, she was staining in a field opposite the town. she could see the lights of houses in the distance as the sunset, seaming to light a path for her.

Kat followed the main road, finding herself surrounded by bare streets. It was like everyone had deserted. If it wasn't for the porch lights this side of town would be in darkness.


Meanwhile, Loki stood outside of the red barrier. He glanced back out of the corner of his eye. Director Hayward and his lackeys were watching his every move, keeping their guns close.

He saw no point in waiting there anymore. After all, Kat and the twins had entered now and all he was doing was creating extra anxiety by watching the barrier.

He decided, he was going to do his own investigation through some associates in other realms.

The Sword agents watched in amazement as a green light enveloped Loki and he disappeared, leaving behind a twinkling green mist.

Loki shut his eyes whilst travelling through his makeshift portal. Kat had fought him many things over their years together, but he had never quite mastered opening portals.

He felt a gust of wind smack against his body and then he was falling. He tried to focus on his ideal destination, manifesting a change of direction. But the portal didn't correct his path and he landed with a thud into a hard bed of sand.

He opened his eyes and was nearly blinded by a bright blue sky. He lifted his hand and watched as a fist full of sand sifted through his fingers. A glance at his surroundings told him he had not been successful in his travels. He was in a desert. Which desert, on what planet...what realm, he did not know.

But there was one thing he was certain of, he was far away from Katerina. He could not feel her pull on him anymore, like their connection had been severed.

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