Chapter six: Mjolnir

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Slicing up another robot as I stood beside Thor in the church, I turned to see all of the avengers working together to fight these robots.

As Steve killed a bot that was headed for me and I killed a bot that was headed for Thor, I realised just how well we all worked together. They were a team and they had accepted me, my sister and my brother as though we had always been here.

Thor challenged Ultron and he sent more robots our way. 'Must you taunt him!' I shouted at Thor who simply shrugged.

'I didn't think he had it in him.' Thor said as he stood beside me. He could see how scared I was as the robots ran towards us.

Thor took my hand in his to comfort me but I felt a weird tingle. I looked down and saw lightening wrapped around our hands.

I looked up at him at the same time he looked at me. 'You have lightening don't you?' He asked and I nodded. 'Let's work together.'

He squeezed my hand and i squeezed his to reassure him I was okay. He jumped into the air and I flew beside him. He brought his hammer up in the hair before we went falling back to the ground.

As we landed Thor struck the ground with his hammer and I sent as much lightening down as I could and all of the Ultron bots shattered into hundred of pieces.

'Wow....' Tony said as he watched his robots fall to pieces.

As Ultron produced more robots and we found more and more people trapped on the floating rock that was once the city of Sokovia, Stark had an idea.

'Let's just blow it up.' Tony breathed out as he landed beside me.

'There are civilians here, Stark. I'm not leaving a singe person here.' I told him then Natasha cut in.

'Maybe we don't leave.' She shrugged. 'Where else would be we get a view like this?'

'Glad you like the view, Romanoff.' Natasha heard a voice from behind her. The team turned around to see Nick Fury stood on a flying runway.

'What the hell is that?' Pietro asked confused.

'It's the Helicarrier, let's get everyone aboard.' Steve instructed. We began helping the civilians onto the Helicarrier and soon enough the rock was clear.

Pietro helped Clint save a little boy and the headed back to the jet. I watched as Vision flew through the air with Wanda in his arms and Steve grabbed Natasha and jumped on the Helicarrier.

I was holding onto the Vibranium core with my magic while Stark flew around killing the other bots.

'Katerina you have to let go. Get on that Helicarrier before this place blows.' Thor instructed.

'I can't. If I let go then Sokovia gets distroyed.' My powers were no match for the vibranium, the metal is stronger than I am.

As I grew weaker, my eyelids got heavier and I could feel myself falling to the ground. My eyes closed and I dropped to the ground, expecting to feel the harsh gravel on my face but instead, I was met with a pair of strong, warm arms.

Thor has grabbed me and was flying me away from the city. We just made it out of the way in time to see the entire city implode.

Huge chunks of the a place we used to call home, landed in the water below. My eyes shut once again as Thor made his way to the Helicarrier.


As Katerina went limp in Thor's arms, the god panicked and used his hammer, mjolner, to get him to the Helicarrier quicker.

He lay the girl down across the seat, resting her head on his thigh. 'You'll be okay, Katerina. I'll make sure of it.'


I woke up on the couch in the common room of Stark's avenger tower. I knew where I was because as soon as I opened my eyes, I saw Thor's hammer resting on the table in front of me.

The hammer was resting on top of a clipboard that looked similar to the one Helen had in the lab. I assumed that it must have some notes regarding why I passed out.

I picked up Thor's hammer and left on on the floor beside my feet before picking up the black clipboard.

I looked at the white sheet and under observations was written: extreme exhaustion. I guess I exerted myself, I've never used that much power before.

I heard a cough from behind me and saw Thor and Steve walking into the room beside Natasha, Clint and Tony.

'Hey Kermit, how ya feeling?' Tony asked as he walked around the couch. Clint simply placed a hand on the back of the couch and flung his legs over, plonking his ass on the soft cushions.

'Much better now, thanks.' I gave him a weak smile and he nodded. 'Hey, Thor?'

Thor sat beside Stark on the other couch and nodded. I continued. 'Thank you for saving my ass back there.'

'You're welcome, Kat.' Thor grinned happily, proud of himself. 'Oh, while I remember. Where did I put my pesky hammer.'

'Oh here it is.' I picked it up of the floor and leaned across to hand it to him. He looked at me wide eyed and I panicked. 'It was on top of the clipboard. I've noticed that you don't like people to touch it but I wanted to read my notes, I'm sorry.'

'N-no, no. Don't apologise.' Thor muttered as he took the hammer from me. ' you are.'

I looked around and saw half of the team starring at me. 'What?' I asked.

Tony glared at me before turning to Thor with a red face. 'So I'm not worthy but an ex hydra weapon is? What sort of bullshit-'

'Language!' Steve interrupted. He realised what he said and his cheeks tinted bright red.

'Did you just say, Language?' Natasha repeated. 'Oh my fu-'

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